Category: URCP026.04

Utah Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closes April 25, 2025

URCP026.4. Provisions governing disclosure and discovery in contested proceedings under titles 75, 75A, or 75B of the Utah Code. AMEND. This rule was previously amended to reflect the recodification of the probate code to reference additional Utah Code titles, as well as, to conform to the style guide for the rules. These additional amendments clarify the information that needs to be provided regarding any less restrictive alternatives to guardianship or conservatorship.

URCP101. Motion practice before court commissioners. AMEND. Proposed amendments to clarify scope, content, oral motions, service on unrepresented parties, exhibits and admissible evidence, page limits, hearings and orders.

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Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed November 24, 2024

URCP0107. Decree of adoption; Petition to open adoption records. AMEND. Proposed amendments are made to reflect the requirements found in Utah Code section 78A-6-141 and Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 4-202.03, as well as, to conform to the style guide for the rules.

URCP026.4. Provisions governing disclosure and discovery in contested proceedings under Title 75 of the Utah Code. AMEND. Proposed amendments are made to reflect the recodification of the probate code to reference additional Utah Code titles, as well as, to conform to the style guide for the rules.


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Rules of Civil Procedure and Code of Judicial Administration – Comment period closes August 8, 2019

URCP026.04. Provisions governing disclosure and discovery in contested proceedings under Title 75 of the Utah Code. New. Carves out the circumstances under which an objection to a probate petition may be made, as well as the initial disclosures and timelines for discovery.

CJA06-506. Procedure for contested matters filed in the probate court. New. Codifies a long-standing probate mediation practice in the Third District, makes probate mediation statewide, institutes a pre-mediation conference, and addresses the role of interested persons.

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