Category: CJA04-0206

Notice of Approved Amendments and Public Comment Period for Utah Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Ends October 20, 2024

CJA3-102. Assumption of judicial office. (AMEND) Clarifies that the Judicial Council may extend the qualification time period for an appointee confirmed by the Senate when the judge the appointee is replacing has not ended their term.

CJA4-206. Exhibits. (AMEND) The proposed amendments reflect recent statutory changes concerning the receipt, retention, and exposal of court exhibits.

CJA4-101. Manner of Appearance. (NEW) The Supreme Court recently adopted rules of civil, criminal, and juvenile procedure identifying factors judges should consider when setting in-person, remote, and hybrid hearings. This rule is a companion rule addressing notice and compliance.


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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closes June 29, 2024

CJA01-0204.Executive committees (AMEND)
Amends membership on the Technology Advisory Subcommittee (TAC). A representative from the Office of General Counsel would replace the Policy, Planning, and Technology Committee member and a member of the Judicial Data and Research department would be added to each of the technology core teams.

CJA01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees (AMEND)
Eliminates the General Counsel member position on both the Pretrial and WINGS committees. 

CJA04-0202.01. Definitions (AMEND)
Clarifies that calendars are not “records.”

CJA04-0202.08. Fees for records, information, and services (AMEND)
Grants clerks of court the authority to waive the one free copy limit for court records associated with a case.

CJA04-0206. Exhibits (AMEND)
Provides exhibit managers with much-needed clarity and guidance on how to manage exhibits in criminal, post-conviction, and appellate actions.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed August 11, 2022

CJA04-0206. Exhibits. (Amend). For clarification purposes, “biological evidence” has been added to the non-exhaustive list of exhibits that will remain in the custody of parties during trial and a reference to Title 53, Chapter 20, Forensic Biological Evidence Preservation, has been added to paragraph (5) to draw parties’ attention to their responsibilities regarding disposal of biological evidence.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed July 17, 2021

CJA01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees (AMEND). Amends membership on the Standing Committee on Pretrial Release and Supervision.

CJA03-0419. Office of Fairness and Accountability (NEW). Establishes the Office of Fairness and Accountability, and identifies the duties of the Director and the objectives of the Office.

CJA04-0202.02. Records classification (AMEND). Clarifies that minors’ names are only public in criminal cases if the minor is a party. This is not a change, the language is simply intended to clear up confusion on the issue.

CJA04-0206. Exhibits (AMEND). Significantly bolsters uniform procedures for the marking, receipt, maintenance, and release of exhibits. Provides courts with the discretion to extend applicability to any proceeding in which exhibits are introduced.

CJA04-0401.02. Possession and use of portable electronic devices (AMEND). Allows JPEC continued use of recordings to evaluate the performance of justice court judges subject to a basic evaluation.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-201. Membership – Election. Amend. Prohibits more than 2 successive terms on the Judicial Council.
CJA 01-204. Executive committees. Amend. Requires new committee chairs at least every 2 years.
CJA 02-205. Emergency rulemaking procedures. Amend. Changes title to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 03-102. Assumption of judicial office. Amend. Deletes requirement for inventory of personal property.
CJA 03-104. Presiding judges. Amend. Technical change to conform to other rules.
CJA 03-306. Court interpreters. Amend. Establishes the duties of the Court Interpreter Committee.
CJA 03-412. Procurement of goods and services. Amend. Changes references to statutes.
CJA 04-206. Exhibits. Amend. Changes requirements for record keeping and destruction.
CJA 04-408. Locations of trial courts of record. Amend. Recognizes West Jordan as a trial court location. Eliminates Sandy and West Valley.
CJA 04-408.01. Responsibility for administration of trial courts. Amend. Designate Kanab as a district court site for which the state contracts with the county.
CJA 07-304. Probation supervision. Amend. Adopts the probation risk assessment and restorative justice models for supervision of juveniles.
CJA 11-101. Supreme Court’s rulemaking process. Amend. Changes title of subsection to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 11-201. Senior judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA 11-203. Senior justice court judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA Appendix F. Records retention schedule Amend. Reduces retention period for civil judgments of money only. Treats alcohol related convictions the same as DUI conviction. Technical amendments.

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