Category: CJA04-0510.03

Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closes March 7, 2025

CJA01-101. General definitions – Rules of construction (AMEND)
The proposed amendments clarify and update uniform definitions in the Code of Judicial Administration.

CJA04-510.03. Qualifications of ADR providers (AMEND)
The proposed amendments remove the option for applicants to qualify for inclusion on the Court-Approved Alternative Dispute Resolution roster by completing education, training, or experience requirements not listed in the rule.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

CJA03-0407  Amend.  Accounting.  Amends the membership of the Accounting Manual Review Committee to reflect current practice.

CJA04-0202.02  Amend.  Records Classification.  Allows a minor’s full name to be listed on any type of protective order, rather than initials only on adult protective orders and a full name on child protective orders.  Classifies affidavits of indigency as private record.

CJA04–0202.07  Amend.  Appeals.  Clarifies that a person may appeal a response that a record does not exist or is not maintained by the court and amends the timing for filing and responding to an appeal.

CJA04-0202.09  Amend. Miscellaneous.  Strikes language requiring filers to certify that all non-public information has been omitted or redacted from public records.

CJA04-0510.03  Amend.  Qualification of ADR Providers.  Updates the language of the rule to reflect the broadened scope of the new ADR ethics exam

CJA07-0303  Repeal.  Repeals the rule in its entirety due to changes in HB 239.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0414. Court security. Amend. Removes from the rule certain architectural features for court facilities. Transfers some responsibilities from the TCEs and the Judicial Council to the Court Security Director. Regulates access keys and cards. Prohibits demonstrations inside a courthouse. Technical amendments.
CJA 04-0510.01 Alternative dispute resolution definitions. Renumber and amend. Replaces paragraph (1) of Rule 4-510. Retains the same definition of terms.
CJA 04-0510.02 Responsibilities of the Director and Administrative Office of the Courts. Renumber and amend. Replaces paragraphs (2) and (4)(A) of Rule 4-510. Retains the same responsibilities for program administration.
CJA 04-0510.03. Qualification of ADR providers. Renumber and Amend. Replaces paragraph (3) of Rule 4-510. Retains the same qualifications for ADR providers.
CJA 04-0510.04. ADR training. Renumber and Amend. Replaces paragraph (4) of Rule 4-510. Retains the same training qualifications and requirements.
CJA 04-0510.05 Referral of civil actions. Renumber and amend. Replaces paragraphs (5) through (16) of Rule 4-510.Modifies how cases involved in ADR are handled. Eliminates the requirement to view the ADR video.
CJA 04-0510.06 Cases exempt from ADR rules. Renumber and amend. Replaces the “Applicability” section Rule 4-510. Identifies the casetypes excluded from the ADR rules.
CJA 04-0904. Informal trial of support, custody and parent-time. New. Provides for an optional informal trial in which the parties present their cases in narrative form with questions by the judge.

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