Category: CJA04-0202.07

Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed January 30, 2025

CJA04-202.02. Records classification (AMEND)
Proposed amendments classify the contact and identifying information of a participant in the Safe at Home Program under Utah Code, title 77, chapter 38, part 6, as “safeguarded” upon receipt of notice. All other amendments are non-substantive formatting changes.

CJA04-202.04. Request to access a record associated with a case; request to classify a record associated with a case (AMEND)
Proposed amendments eliminate the requirement to submit a court records request in writing, if the individual is requesting access to non-public court records that they are authorized to access under Rule 4-202.03. All other amendments are non-substantive formatting changes.

CJA04-202.07. Appeals (AMEND)
Proposed amendments streamline and clarify the appeals process for requests to access court records, including the creation of an initial review process whereby the Management Committee will determine whether to deny an appeal, schedule a hearing, or take no action on an appeal.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

CJA03-0407  Amend.  Accounting.  Amends the membership of the Accounting Manual Review Committee to reflect current practice.

CJA04-0202.02  Amend.  Records Classification.  Allows a minor’s full name to be listed on any type of protective order, rather than initials only on adult protective orders and a full name on child protective orders.  Classifies affidavits of indigency as private record.

CJA04–0202.07  Amend.  Appeals.  Clarifies that a person may appeal a response that a record does not exist or is not maintained by the court and amends the timing for filing and responding to an appeal.

CJA04-0202.09  Amend. Miscellaneous.  Strikes language requiring filers to certify that all non-public information has been omitted or redacted from public records.

CJA04-0510.03  Amend.  Qualification of ADR Providers.  Updates the language of the rule to reflect the broadened scope of the new ADR ethics exam

CJA07-0303  Repeal.  Repeals the rule in its entirety due to changes in HB 239.

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Code of Judicial Administration. Rule Regulating Access to Court Records.

Final Report of the Committee on Privacy and Public Court Records.
CJA 04-202. Purpose. New. Outlines the purposes served by open and closed court records.
CJA 04-202.01. Definitions. Repeal & Reenact. Defines terms used in court rules regulating access to records.
CJA 04-202.02. Records classification. Repeal & Reenact. Classifies court records as public or non-public.
CJA 04-202.03. Records access. Repeal & Reenact. Identifies who has access to non-public court records.
CJA 04-202.04. Request to access a record associated with a case; request to classify a record associated with a case. Repeal & Reenact. Establishes procedures for requesting access to a record associated with a case or for requesting confidential treatment of a case record.
CJA 04-202.05. Request to access an administrative record; research; request to classify an administrative record; request to create an index. Repeal & Reenact. Establishes procedures for requesting access to a record not associated with a case or for requesting confidential treatment of an administrative record. Establishes procedures for requesting non-public records for research and procedures for using a data element as an index to the court’s database.
CJA 04-202.06. Response to request to access or classify a court record. Repeal & Reenact. Establishes minimum requirements for responding to a records request.
CJA 04-202.07. Appeals. New. Establishes procedures for reviewing an adverse decision.
CJA 04-202.09. Miscellaneous. Amend. Permits a filer to redact sensitive information from pleadings. Requires vendors to comply with court policies regarding access to records.
CJA 04-202.10. Record sharing. New. Established procedures for sharing non-public records with other governmental entities.
CJA 04-202.12. Access to electronic data elements. Repeal. Eliminates distinctions between electronic data elements and public or non-public data generally.
CJA 04-205. Security of court records. Amend. Technical changes.

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