Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed January 30, 2025

CJA04-202.02. Records classification (AMEND)
Proposed amendments classify the contact and identifying information of a participant in the Safe at Home Program under Utah Code, title 77, chapter 38, part 6, as “safeguarded” upon receipt of notice. All other amendments are non-substantive formatting changes.

CJA04-202.04. Request to access a record associated with a case; request to classify a record associated with a case (AMEND)
Proposed amendments eliminate the requirement to submit a court records request in writing, if the individual is requesting access to non-public court records that they are authorized to access under Rule 4-202.03. All other amendments are non-substantive formatting changes.

CJA04-202.07. Appeals (AMEND)
Proposed amendments streamline and clarify the appeals process for requests to access court records, including the creation of an initial review process whereby the Management Committee will determine whether to deny an appeal, schedule a hearing, or take no action on an appeal.

Utah Courts

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One thought on “Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed January 30, 2025
  1. Mikelle Ostler

    I had a question regarding the language in CJA 4-202.04(1). “A written request to access a non-public court record is not required for a person authorized to access the record pursuant to Rule 4-202.03.”

    Is this language intended to prohibit the courts from requiring a written request from parties on a case? I would like to request similar language regarding public records — “must be presented in writing to the court clerk unless the court clerk waives the requirement.”

    In the Juvenile Court specifically, I find the requirement of a written request to be helpful for a few reasons:
    – Occasionally we have difficult cases, multiple fathers and other various parties, and there have been instances where the information tracking when we processed/delivered the record has been helpful.
    – In our clerical weighted caseload study, it has been proposed that we track the amount of audio requests by the number of filings received. (Requests get eFiled to a specific sub-type that allows us to track record requests.)
    – With the requirements to track court fees, the written request provides a paper trail to the fee we have created.

    Thank you for your consideration of my question/request.