Utah Rules of Evidence – Comment Period Closed April 15, 2018

URE0504 Lawyer – Client. Amended. The amendments to the rule define new terms and
amend existing terms and modify the statement of privilege.

URE0507 New.  A person receiving peer support services from a peer support team member has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent another person from disclosing peer support communications.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

CJA03-0111  Performance evaluation of senior judges and court commissioners.  Amend.  1) Clarifies when court commissioners’ annual evaluations will be completed, by whom, and what the evaluation process will entail; 2) establishes when the presiding judge will prepare a performance plan versus a corrective action plan for a court commissioner; 3) moves the Judicial Council’s certification process from August to July; and 4) replaces the active senior judge performance evaluation process in paragraph (1) with a new process in paragraph (3)(B). Amended (3)(B) provides that the surveys the Judicial Council collects from the trial court executives, the Court of Appeals Clerk of Court, the Justice Court Administrator, and the presiding judges on an active senior judge’s performance will be informed by anonymous questionnaires completed each time the senior judge completes an assignment. In the trial courts, court staff and jurors will complete the questionnaires, and in the Court of Appeals, the other judges on the panel to which the senior judge is assigned and the law clerks with whom the senior judge works will complete the questionnaires. This is the second request for comment due to the addition of the fourth category of amendments.  

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

CJA03-0407  Amend.  Accounting.  Amends the membership of the Accounting Manual Review Committee to reflect current practice.

CJA04-0202.02  Amend.  Records Classification.  Allows a minor’s full name to be listed on any type of protective order, rather than initials only on adult protective orders and a full name on child protective orders.  Classifies affidavits of indigency as private record.

CJA04–0202.07  Amend.  Appeals.  Clarifies that a person may appeal a response that a record does not exist or is not maintained by the court and amends the timing for filing and responding to an appeal.

CJA04-0202.09  Amend. Miscellaneous.  Strikes language requiring filers to certify that all non-public information has been omitted or redacted from public records.

CJA04-0510.03  Amend.  Qualification of ADR Providers.  Updates the language of the rule to reflect the broadened scope of the new ADR ethics exam

CJA07-0303  Repeal.  Repeals the rule in its entirety due to changes in HB 239.

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Rules Governing the State Bar – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

USB14-0101  Amend.  Article 1.  Integration and Management.

USB14-0102  Amend.  Rule 14-102.  Regulation of the practice of law.

USB14-0103  Amend.  Rule 14-103.  Organization and management of the Bar.

USB14-0104  Amend.  Rule 14-104.  Admission to practice law; qualifications, enrollment, oath, and fees.

USB14-0105  Amend.  Rule 14-105.  Conduct of licensed lawyers and judicial officers; complaints, investigations, and discipline.

USB14-0107  Amend.  Rule 14-107.  Annual license, fees; disbursements of funds.

USB14-0108  Amend.  Rule 14-108.  Issuance of license; form.

USB14-0110  Amend.  Rule 14-110.  Active and inactive members of the Bar.

USB14-0111  Amend.  Rule 14-111.  Practicing without a license prohibited.

USB14-0112  Amend.  Rule 14-112.  Duties of attorneys and counselors at law.

USB14-0201  Amend.  Bylaws.

USB14-0203  Amend.  Rule 14-203.  License categories.

USB14-0210  Amend. Rule 14-210.  General.

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Rules Governing the State Bar – Comment Period Closed March 17, 2018

USB14-0701  Amend.  Changes to Rule 14-701 clear up confusion regarding the definition of “bar examination” and make the definition of practice of law consistent with the definition used in 14-802.

USB14-0807  Amend.  Changes to Rule 14-807 clarify language that has been a source of confusion for students seeking to practice under the rule.

USB14-0809  New.  This new rule will allow lawyers admitted in other jurisdictions, who have submitted an application for admission to the Utah State Bar, to practice law in Utah under supervision while awaiting admission

USB14-0704  Amend.  Change makes the rule consistent with proposed rule 14-809.

USB14-0705  Amend.  Change makes the rule consistent with proposed rule 14-809.

USB14-0713  Amend.  Change makes the rule consistent with proposed rule 14-809.

USB14-0719  Amend.  Change makes the rule consistent with proposed rule 14-809.

USB14-0806  Amend.  Change makes the rule consistent with proposed rule 14-809.

USB14-0904 Amend.  Changes to the rule clarify that any lawyer on whose behalf the Fund for Client Protection makes a payment can be administratively suspended for failure to reimburse the Fund.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed January 14, 2018

URCrP012  Amend.   The proposed amendment will require service of pleadings on the Attorney General’s Office or the county or city attorney’s office when a party challenges the constitutionality of a statute or ordinance.


URCrP022  Amend.  One amendment will require a court to notify a defendant at sentencing of the right to counsel for an appeal.  Another amendment adds state law to the warning to be given in domestic violence cases.


URCrP036  Amend.  This amendment will allow defense counsel to be able to make an oral motion to withdraw from the case after judgment is entered.

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Rules of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed January 11, 2018

Utah Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP063   Disability or disqualification of a judge.  Amend.  Eliminates the option of the Judicial Council’s presiding officer serving as the reviewing or assigning judge on a motion to disqualify.  Provides that assignment in justice court cases will be in accordance with new Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 9-109.


Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure

URCrP029   Disability or disqualification of a judge or change of venue.  Amend.  Eliminates the option of the Judicial Council’s presiding officer serving as the assigning judge on a motion to disqualify.  Provides that assignment in justice court cases will be in accordance with new Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 9-109.


Utah Code of Judicial Administration

CJA09-0109   Presiding judges.  New.  Establishes the procedure for election, term of office, role, responsibilities, and authority of presiding judges and associate presiding judges for justice courts.



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