Category: -Code of Judicial Administration

Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed January 9, 2021

CJA Appendix J. Ability-to-Pay Matrix (AMEND). In response to House Bill 206, the Uniform Fine and Bail Schedule has been replaced by the Uniform Fine Schedule and the Ability-to-Pay Matrix. The Ability-to-Pay Matrix provides recommended monetary bail amounts using the poverty guidelines and an individual’s risk of failing to appear in court. Setting monetary bail is a highly fact dependent decision. The recommended amounts do not reflect the maximum amount a judge may order. Judges should ordinarily impose monetary bail based on a person’s ability-to-pay. However, judges continue to have the same discretion to deviate from the recommended amounts as they had under the Uniform Fine and Bail Schedule, provided judges conduct an individualized assessment of ability-to-pay and risk.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Extended to September 8, 2020

CJA03-0101. Judicial Performance Standards (AMEND)

CJA03-0104. Presiding Judges (AMEND)

CJA03-0111. Performance Evaluation of Senior Judges and Court Commissioners (AMEND)
The proposed amendments to Rules 3-101, 3-104, and 3-111 establish a definition for “submitted” for purposes of the case under advisement performance standard. The updates also provide discretion to the Council to excuse full compliance with the performance standards regarding cases under advisement and education hours for circumstances beyond the judge’s control, pursuant to Utah Code section 78A-2-223.

The comment period’s expiration is extended from July 25, 2020 to September 8, 2020. The original notice of comment period is found here.

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Rules of Civil Procedure and Code of Judicial Administration – Comment period closes August 8, 2019

URCP026.04. Provisions governing disclosure and discovery in contested proceedings under Title 75 of the Utah Code. New. Carves out the circumstances under which an objection to a probate petition may be made, as well as the initial disclosures and timelines for discovery.

CJA06-506. Procedure for contested matters filed in the probate court. New. Codifies a long-standing probate mediation practice in the Third District, makes probate mediation statewide, institutes a pre-mediation conference, and addresses the role of interested persons.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed at noon on January 4, 2019

CJA01-0205. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.  AMEND – adds Court Security Director as a member of the Court Facility Planning Committee.

CJA02-0208. Publication and Distribution.  AMEND – remove requirement that AOC and TCEs “maintain a copy of the CJA and make it available for inspection during business hours.”

CJA03-0103. Administrative Role of Judges.  AMEND – assigns responsibilities to justice court presiding judges, to conform with district court counterparts.

CJA03-0104. Presiding Judges.  AMEND – clarifies responsibilities of presiding judges to coordinate with presiding justice court judges regarding magistrate rotation.

CJA03-0106. Legislative Activities.  AMEND – clarify options available to judicial council in response to legislative activities.

CJA03-0107. Executive Branch Policy Initiatives.  AMEND – clarify options available to judicial council in response to executive initiatives.

CJA03-0111. Performance Evaluation of Senior Judges and Court Commissioners.  AMEND – assigns responsibilities to justice court presiding judges, to conform with district court counterparts.

CJA03-0413. Judicial library resources.  AMEND – revises rule to conform with current practice and removes outdated provisions that no longer conform to current practice.

CJA03-0501. Insurance Benefits Upon Retirement.  AMEND – adds “parental leave” to the “sick day” calculation for purposes of determining post-retirement insurance benefits.

CJA04-0202.09. Miscellaneous.  AMEND – removes the requirement for a party to label a filing as private, protected, controlled, juvenile social / juvenile legal, or safeguarded.

CJA04-0403. Electronic signature and signature stamp use.  AMEND – authorizes use of judge signature stamp on writs of habeas corpus ad prosequendum / testificandum for transport of federal prisoners.  Authorizes use of judge signature stamp on forthcoming / proposed Rule 109 (Domestic Relations Injunctions) orders.

CJA04-0405. Juror and Witness Fees and Expenses.  AMEND – makes various revisions to align rule with current business practices at court and state level.

CJA04-0508. Guidelines for Ruling on a Motion to Waive Fees.  AMEND – removes default requirement to provide documentation supporting affidavit of impecuniousity, authorizing judge to specifically request that such documentation be provided on a case by case basis.

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