Category: CJA11-0201

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed

CJA01-0305. Board of senior judges. Amend. The proposed amendments (1) expand membership on the Board to include senior justice court judges, and (2) revise the term lengths and number of meetings of the Board.

CJA03-0104. Presiding judges. Amend. The proposed amendments remove the requirement to send notice of a senior judge assignment to the State Court Administrator.

CJA03-0108. Judicial assistance. Amend. The proposed amendments (1) add water law cases to the criteria for transferring or assigning senior judges, and (2) clarify and simplify considerations for assigning senior judges.

CJA03-0111. Performance evaluations. Amend. The proposed amendments remove references to senior judges, as the processes for evaluating senior judge performance have been incorporated into Rule 11-201.

CJA03-0113. Senior judges. Amend. The proposed amendments (1) require the AOC to provide a new senior judge orientation, and (2) expand the responsibilities of court executives in providing support for senior judges.

CJA03-0403. Judicial branch education. Amend. The proposed amendments (1) clarify that “annually” refers to the fiscal year, and (2) revise and simplify education requirements for active and inactive senior judges.

CJA03-0501. Insurance benefits upon retirement. Amend. The proposed amendments revise qualifications for incentive benefits.

CJA011-0201. Senior Judges. Amend. 

CJA11-0203. Senior Justice Court Judges. Amend. 

The proposed amendments to Rules 11-201 and 11-203: (1) clarify and revise qualifications for appointment of senior judges, (2) establish qualifications and process for reappointment of senior judges, (3) establish and revise standards and processes for performance evaluation of senior judges, (4) clarify the role of the Judicial Council in the appointment and reappointment of senior judges, (5) revise the terms of office and authority of senior judges, and (6) include general cleanup for clarity and consistency.


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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed September 17, 2021

CJA01-0305. Board of Senior Judges. Amended. The amendments to CJA Rule 1-305 modify the Board of Senior Judges.

CJA03-0104. Presiding judges. Amended. The amendments to CJA Rule 3-104 clarify the authority of a presiding judge to assign a senior judge by referencing CJA Rule 3-108.

CJA03-0108. Judicial assistance. Amended. The amendments to CJA Rule 3-108 establish the circumstances for which a senior judge assignment may be made and the procedure for making a senior judge assignment.

CJA03-0113. Senior judges. Amended. The amendments to CJA Rule 3-113 clarify and modify the circumstances in which a senior judge may be compensated for judicial coverage.

CJA03-0501. Insurance Benefits Upon Retirement. Amended. The amendments to CJA Rule 3-501 provide guidance for the use of the senior judge incentive benefit.

CJA11-0201. Senior Judges. The amendments to CJA Rule 11-201 provide the Supreme Court with additional information about applicants for appointment as a senior judge and clarify the process in which an applicant may respond to a Judicial Council recommendation regarding the appointment of a senior judge.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed April 24, 2017

CJA 11-0103. Amend. The amendments will require the Supreme Court’s rules advisory committees to submit rules to the Supreme Court before they are published for public comment.

CJA 11-0201. Amend. The first set of amendments helps to distinguish between active senior judges and inactive senior judges. The second set of amendments creates a process for the Supreme Court to review senior judge applications and for the applicant to submit information directly to the Supreme Court.

CJA 11-0203. Amend. The first set of amendments helps to distinguish between active senior judges and inactive senior judges. The second set of amendments creates a process for the Supreme Court to review senior judge applications and for the applicant to submit information directly to the Supreme Court.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed September 10, 2016

CJA 11-0201 Senior judges. Amend. Removes the reference to attorney survey results under the requirement that senior judges obtain results on their most recent judicial performance evaluation sufficient to have certified them for retention.

CJA 11-0203 Senior justice court judges. Amend. Includes an allowance for judges who were laid off pursuant to Utah Code 78A-7-203 to qualify as a senior justice court judge and adds an initial qualifying requirement that senior justice court judges obtain results on their most recent judicial performance evaluation sufficient to have certified them for retention.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0111. Performance evaluation of senior judges and court commissioners. Amend. Requires a presiding judge to evaluate a senior judge’s performance every 18 months after the first term and a commissioner’s performance annually. Changes the evaluation criteria to more closely match the JPEC criteria.
CJA 03-0201. Court commissioners. Amend. Requires a court commissioner to undergo a performance evaluation annually.
CJA 04-0405. Juror and witness fees and expenses. Amend. Makes an attorney issuing the subpoena responsible for reimbursing a civil witness for necessary and reasonable parking expenses as required by statute.
CJA 04-0907. Divorce education and divorce orientation courses. Amend. Provides an option to take the divorce orientation course online, and reflects changes to the fees for the course as required by statute.
CJA 11-0201. Senior judges. Amend. Establishes a residency requirement. Requires a senior judge to undergo a performance evaluation every 18 months after a first term.
CJA 11-0203. Senior justice court judges. Amend. Establishes a residency requirement. Requires a senior justic court judge to undergo a performance evaluation every 18 months after a first term.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-0503. Mandatory electronic filing. Amend. Requires the electronic filer to use a personal identity with an e-filing interface, rather than someone else’s.
CJA 04-0508. Guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees. New. Establishes guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees. Requires use of court-approved forms.
CJA 11-0201. Senior judges. Amend. Removes reference to the Judicial Council’s attorney survey for certification of senior judges.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-201. Membership – Election. Amend. Prohibits more than 2 successive terms on the Judicial Council.
CJA 01-204. Executive committees. Amend. Requires new committee chairs at least every 2 years.
CJA 02-205. Emergency rulemaking procedures. Amend. Changes title to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 03-102. Assumption of judicial office. Amend. Deletes requirement for inventory of personal property.
CJA 03-104. Presiding judges. Amend. Technical change to conform to other rules.
CJA 03-306. Court interpreters. Amend. Establishes the duties of the Court Interpreter Committee.
CJA 03-412. Procurement of goods and services. Amend. Changes references to statutes.
CJA 04-206. Exhibits. Amend. Changes requirements for record keeping and destruction.
CJA 04-408. Locations of trial courts of record. Amend. Recognizes West Jordan as a trial court location. Eliminates Sandy and West Valley.
CJA 04-408.01. Responsibility for administration of trial courts. Amend. Designate Kanab as a district court site for which the state contracts with the county.
CJA 07-304. Probation supervision. Amend. Adopts the probation risk assessment and restorative justice models for supervision of juveniles.
CJA 11-101. Supreme Court’s rulemaking process. Amend. Changes title of subsection to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 11-201. Senior judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA 11-203. Senior justice court judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA Appendix F. Records retention schedule Amend. Reduces retention period for civil judgments of money only. Treats alcohol related convictions the same as DUI conviction. Technical amendments.

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