Category: CJA03-0303

Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed December 12, 2024

CJA03-302.Clerk of the court. Amend. The proposed amendments bring the rule in line with current practice, help court employees understand the Clerk of Court’s role, and update language and other terms for consistency purposes.

CJA03-303. Justice court clerks. Amend. The proposed amendments clarify the role of non-court staff in justice court operations and codify the Judicial Council’s decision to restrict access to the courts’ case management system when certification requirements have not been met.

CJA04-401. Proceedings conducted by remote transmission. New. The proposed rule requires that remote court proceedings be conducted exclusively via a video conferencing platform approved by the Judicial Council. The Council may grant exceptions.

CJA01.205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend.
CJA03-114. Judicial outreach. Repeal. The proposed amendments: 1) create a Tribal Liaison Committee; 2) remove the general counsel member position from the Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardianship Stakeholders Committee (WINGS); 3) eliminate the Pretrial Release and Supervision Committee; and 4) repeal the Judicial Outreach Committee. The Outreach Committee’s work will be absorbed by the Committee on Fairness and Accountability.
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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed November 12, 2021

CJA02-0101. Rules for the conduct of Council meetings. (AMEND)

CJA05-0101. The Board of Appellate Court Judges. (AMEND)

CJA06-0101. The Board of District Court Judges. (AMEND)

CJA07-0101. Juvenile Court Board, Executive Committee and Council Representatives. (AMEND)

CJA09-0101.  Board of Justice Court Judges. (AMEND)

The proposed amendments remove the requirement to follow Robert’s Rules. Use of Robert’s Rules isn’t required under the Open and Public Meetings Act.

CJA03-0303.  Justice court clerks. (AMEND)

In conjunction with the Judicial Institute, the Board of Justice Court Judges recommends adding an annual certification requirement for justice court clerks.

CJA03-0117.  Committee on Court Forms. (AMEND)

CJA03-0401.  Office of General Counsel. (AMEND)

The proposed amendments make the rules consistent with CJA 1-205(3)(D)  and CJA 1-204(8), providing the State Court Administrator with the flexibility to assign AOC resources where appropriate.

CJA03-0411.  Grant Management. (AMEND)

The proposed amendments outlines significant changes to the courts’ grant management program.

CJA04-0202.02.  Records classification. (AMEND)

A working group is preparing a new form on petitions to determine competency. The form will have two parts (1) the petition without confidential information and (2) a statement in support that includes confidential information. The proposed amendment in line 189 would ensure the statements in support are classified as private.

*The proposed amendment in line 169 went out for public comment in July. It is included here for tracking purposes only.

CJA04-0208.  Automatic expungement of cases. (NEW)

New rule 4-208 governs the Administrative Office of the Court’s development and implementation of an automated expungement process. The rule requires approval by the Judicial Council of all automated processes and approval of the form and content of automated orders. Processes must also meet any requirements under the Rules of Criminal Procedure.

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