Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closes April 11, 2025
CJA01-205.Standing and ad hoc committees. AMEND.
The proposed amendments:
(1) add community representatives who are knowledgable about the needs of self-represented
litigants to the Court Facility Planning Committee, Committee on Children and Family
Law, Committee on Resources for Self-represented Parties, Language Access Committee,
Committee on Court Forms, and Committee on Fairness and Accountability;
(2) require the chair of each standing committee to conduct a committee performance
assessment every three years and report the results to the Management Committee; and
(3) make non-substantive formatting changes.
CJA03-306.04.Interpreter appointment, payment, and fines. AMEND.
The proposed amendments:
(1) require parties to provide a written transcript of recorded evidence involving a spoken
language other than English;
(2) with limited exceptions, prohibit parties from asking court interpreters to provide on-the-
spot translations of written documents or on-the-spot interpretation of recorded evidence;
(3) direct interpreters to review audio and video files recorded in English prior to a court
(4) require court interpreters to inform the court if they are unable to provide on-the-spot
interpretation or translations; and
(5) make non-substantive formatting changes.