Category: CJA01-0205

Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Adds a criminal law professor to the Model Criminal Jury Instructions Committee.
CJA 03-0201. Court commissioners. Amend. Provides a public comment process for commissioner nominations and reappointments.
CJA 04-0502. Expedited procedures for resolving discovery issues. Repeal. Repeals rules 4-502 as expedited procedures for resolving discovery issues are now covered by rules 26, 30, 37, and 45 of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
CJA 04-0603. Mandatory electronic filing. Amend. Provides that a person seeking a hardship exemption may do so by filing a written request in lieu of a form provided by the AOC.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Eliminates the Justice Court Standards Committee. Provides that the Judicial Council’s Management Committee shall review standing and ad hoc committees every six years and make a recommendation to the Judicial Council as to whether the committee should continue. Allows the committees to meet as needed.
CJA 03-0109. Ethics Advisory Committee. Amend. Gives the committee 60 days to issue an opinion. Allows the committee chair to extend the time for deliberations on an opinion when necessary. Allows the boards of judges to request reconsideration of an opinion.
CJA 03-0112. Justice Court Standards Committee. Repeal. Eliminates the Justice Court Standards Committee in conjunction with the responsibility for justice court standards being moved to the Board of Justice Court Judges.
CJA 03-0418. Model Utah Jury Instructions. New. Provides direction on developing jury instructions to the committees on the Model Utah Jury Instructions.
CJA 04-0202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies affidavits supporting motions to waive fees as private records.
CJA 06-0501. Reporting requirements for guardians and conservators. Amend. Requires a guardian or conservator to file a verified Private Information Record with the AOC within 7 days of appointment.
CJA 09-0101. Board of Justice Court Judges. Amend. Gives the Board of Justice Court Judges responsibility for overseeing justice court standards.
CJA 09-0108. New. Outlines the justice court standards as previously provided in rule 3-112.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Reauthorizes numerous Judicial Council standing committees. Adds a representative from the Self-Help Center to the Committee on Resources for Self-represented Parties.
CJA 11-0101. Creation and Composition of Advisory Committees. Amend. Provides for appointment of mid-term committee vacancies in the same manner as an end-of-term vacancy. Changes the circumstances for reappointment for more than two terms.
CJA 11-0301. Utah Standards of Judicial Professionalism and Civility. New. Establishes standards of professionalism and civility for Utah judges.
CJA Appx F. Utah State Courts Records Retention Schedule. Amend. Adds a retention period of 5 years for civil stalking injunction records. Changes the retention policy for numerous juvenile court records. Provides that expunged records shall be retained for the same time as though the record had not been expunged, or for one year after the final decision on the petition for expungement, whichever is longer. Provides that case under advisement forms shall be retained for 6 years after the end of the term during which the form was submitted.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Makes the Committee on Model Utah Civil Jury Instructions and the Committee on Model Utah Criminal Jury Instructions standing committees of the Judicial Council. Outlines the membership makeup of each committee. Makes technical corrections. Effective October 27, 2014 under rule 2-205 of the Utah Code of Judicial Administration. Subject to change after the comment period.
CJA 03-0111. Performance evaluation of senior judges and court commissioners. Amend. Requires senior judges in the district, juvenile and justice courts to undergo a performance evaluation annually. Requires senior judges in the appellate court to undergo a performance evaluation every 3 years. Changes the evaluation criteria to more closely match the JPEC criteria.
CJA 11-0101. Creation and Composition of Advisory Committees. Amend. Provides for appointment of mid-term committee vacancies in the same manner as an end-of-term vacancy. Changes the circumstances for reappointment for more than two terms.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Changes the name of the Court Interpreter Committee to the Language Access Committee.
CJA 03-0306. Court interpreters. Amend. Creates a complaint process for failure to follow the requirements of the rule. Clarifies that Rule 3-306 is not authority to charge for language access costs. Cites the competing authority of federal and state law. Recognizes interpreter credentials from other states. Requires staff to be acting within the scope of human resource policies and procedures, which includes qualifications for a second language stipend, before engaging in a first-hand conversation with a person of limited English proficiency.
CJA 03-0402. Human resources administration. Amend. Changes the name of the career service review board to the grievance review panel.
CJA 04-0110. Transfer of juvenile cases from district and justice courts to the juvenile court. Amend. Technical change, recognizing that Section 78A-7-106 governs transfer of cases from justice court to juvenile court.
CJA 04-0404. Jury selection and service. Amend. Implements the requirement of Section 78B-1-110 that compliance with a summons satisfies a person’s jury service obligation for two years. Permits a court to establish a shorter term of service than is provided by rule, but not longer.
CJA 04-0508. Guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees. Amend. Includes juvenile court within the guidelines of the rule.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Modifies the membership on the Judicial Outreach Committee.
CJA 03-0114. Judicial outreach. Amend. Modifies the scope of the committee’s responsibilities.
CJA 04-0202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies as private financial declaration in domestic relations cases and their supporting attachments and child protective order cases. Classifies as a protected record audit records concerning the security of a court facility.
CJA 04-0403. Signature stamp use. Amend. Permits a clerk to use a judge’s signature stamp for orders dismissing cases under URCP 3 and URCP 4(b), in addition to the existing authority to do so for dismissals under Rule 4-103.
CJA 04-0613. Jail prisoner transportation. Amend. Amends the rule to conform to a new agreement between the courts and counties.
CJA 06-0401. Domestic relations commissioners. Amend. Makes amendments to conform to proposed Rule of Civil Procedure 108.
CJA 06-0601 Mental health commissioners. Amend. Makes amendments to conform to proposed Rule of Civil Procedure 108.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Eliminates the Judicial Performance Evaluation Committee. Exempts the Guardian ad Litem Oversight Committee from sunset review.
CJA 02-0106.01. Goals of performance evaluation for judicial self improvement. Repeal. Self-improvement goals for commissioners and senior judges will be governed by Rule 3-111.
CJA 02-0106.02. Criteria for judicial self improvement. Repeal. Self-improvement goals for commissioners and senior judges will be governed by Rule 3-111.
CJA 02-0106.03. Information for judicial self improvement. Repeal. Self-improvement goals for commissioners and senior judges will be governed by Rule 3-111.
CJA 02-0106.04. Self improvement process. Repeal. Self-improvement goals for commissioners and senior judges will be governed by Rule 3-111.
CJA 02-0106.05. Administration of the performance evaluation program for judicial self improvement. Repeal. Self-improvement goals for commissioners and senior judges will be governed by Rule 3-111.
CJA 03-0111. Performance evaluation of senior judges and court commissioners. New. Combines Rules 3-111.01 through 3-111.04 into one rule, describing the evaluation program applicable to senior judges and court commissioners.
CJA 03-0111.01 Goals of performance evaluation for certification for retention election. Consolidate into Rule 3-111 and Repeal.
CJA 03-0111.02 Judicial performance evaluation criteria. Consolidate into Rule 3-111 and Repeal.
CJA 03-0111.03 Standards of judicial performance. Consolidate into Rule 3-111 and Repeal.
CJA 03-0111.04 Evaluation and certification of judges and commissioners. Consolidate into Rule 3-111 and Repeal.
CJA 03-0111.05. Evaluation and certification of senior judges. Repeal.
CJA 03-0111.06. Administration of the judicial performance evaluation and certification program. Repeal.
CJA 03-0201. Court commissioners. Amend. Provides for uniform end of term of December 31.
CJA 03-0306. Court interpreters. Amend. Expand interpreter program to the remaining balance of the court’s casetypes.
CJA 04-0202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classify as private performance evaluation information from senior judges and court commissioners.
CJA 04-0601. Selection of indigent aggravated murder defense fund counsel. New. Establishes the process to be used to select pre-contracted attorneys from the roster maintained by the Indigent Defense Funds Board in aggravated murder cases.
CJA 06-0402. Records in domestic relations cases. New. Defines the records required for motions for temporary relief, alimony, child support, and child custody.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Adds an attorney with experience representing parents in abuse, neglect and dependency cases to the Committee on Children and Family Law.
CJA 01-305. Board of Senior Judges. Amend. Restrict membership to active senior judges.
CJA 02-103. Open and closed meetings. Amend. Prohibits those attending a closed meeting from discussing the topic except with others attending the meeting.
CJA 03-403. Judicial branch education. Amend. Establishes the minimum requirements for an active senior judge after a break in service.
CJA 04-202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies as private the records in guardianship and conservatorship cases, except the order and letter of appointment. Classifies some select data elements as public or private.
CJA 04-202.09. Miscellaneous. Amend. Prohibits including non-public information in an otherwise public document. Specifies substitutes for personal identifying information.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-201. Membership – Election. Amend. Prohibits more than 2 successive terms on the Judicial Council.
CJA 01-204. Executive committees. Amend. Requires new committee chairs at least every 2 years.
CJA 02-205. Emergency rulemaking procedures. Amend. Changes title to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 03-102. Assumption of judicial office. Amend. Deletes requirement for inventory of personal property.
CJA 03-104. Presiding judges. Amend. Technical change to conform to other rules.
CJA 03-306. Court interpreters. Amend. Establishes the duties of the Court Interpreter Committee.
CJA 03-412. Procurement of goods and services. Amend. Changes references to statutes.
CJA 04-206. Exhibits. Amend. Changes requirements for record keeping and destruction.
CJA 04-408. Locations of trial courts of record. Amend. Recognizes West Jordan as a trial court location. Eliminates Sandy and West Valley.
CJA 04-408.01. Responsibility for administration of trial courts. Amend. Designate Kanab as a district court site for which the state contracts with the county.
CJA 07-304. Probation supervision. Amend. Adopts the probation risk assessment and restorative justice models for supervision of juveniles.
CJA 11-101. Supreme Court’s rulemaking process. Amend. Changes title of subsection to “expedited” rulemaking procedures.
CJA 11-201. Senior judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA 11-203. Senior justice court judges. Amend. Permits senior judges to be active senior judges with an annual evaluation. Establishes a uniform reappointment date.
CJA Appendix F. Records retention schedule Amend. Reduces retention period for civil judgments of money only. Treats alcohol related convictions the same as DUI conviction. Technical amendments.

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