Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed October 13, 2016

Rule 034 Production of documents and things and entry upon land for inspection and other purposes. Amend. The 2016 amendments to Rule 34(b)(2) adopt 1) the specificity requirement in the 2015 amendments to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34(b)(2)(B), 2) a portion of Federal Rule 34(b)(2)(C) dealing with the basis for an objection to production, and 3) some clarifying language from the federal note.

Rule 035 Physical and mental examination of persons. Amend. The 2016 amendments to Rule 35 clarify when there is overlap between a Rule 26(a)(4) expert report and when there is not. It also provides a 28-day time frame in which the party requesting the Rule 35 examination must disclose the report to the person being examined.

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Rules of Evidence – Comment Period Closed October 3, 2016

URE 0412 Amend. Changes the classification of records described in subparagraph (c)(3) from sealed to protected.

URE 0504 Amend. The definition of “Representative of the client” has been revised to be more grammatically correct, and to clarify the application of the term “specifically authorized” in subparagraph (a)(4).

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Rules of Small Claims Procedure – Comment Period Closed September 12, 2016

URSCP 001 General provisions.  Amend.  The Utah Rules of Small Claims Procedure will not apply to cases removed from small claims court to district court, except as outlined in Rule 12.

URSCP 002 Plaintiff beginning the case.  Amend.  Title changed to include “Plaintiff.”

URSCP 002A Defendant’s removal from district court.  New.  Prescribes the procedures outlined in Utah Code Section 78A-8-102, authorizing a defendant to remove a case from district court to small claims court with the plaintiff’s stipulation.

URSCP 003 Service of the affidavit and summons.  Amend.  Requires language in the summons sufficient to notify a defendant of his/her removal rights.

URSCP 004 Counter affidavit.  Amend.  Provides an exception to the time limit for filing a counter affidavit when a defendant is removing the case pursuant to Rule 2A.

URSCP 004A  Defendant’s removal to district court.  New.  Provides defendants with the ability to remove a case filed in small claims court to district court for proceedings in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, including the option for a jury trial in the first instance.

URSCP 012 Appeals.  Amend.  Provides parties the option of electing a jury trial de novo in the district court for cases tried in small claims without a jury and allows district court judges the option of requiring parties to exchange information prior to a de novo trial (with or without a jury).  Notifies parties of their appellate rights when a case is removed to district court pursuant to Rule 4A.

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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed September 10, 2016

CJA 11-0201 Senior judges. Amend. Removes the reference to attorney survey results under the requirement that senior judges obtain results on their most recent judicial performance evaluation sufficient to have certified them for retention.

CJA 11-0203 Senior justice court judges. Amend. Includes an allowance for judges who were laid off pursuant to Utah Code 78A-7-203 to qualify as a senior justice court judge and adds an initial qualifying requirement that senior justice court judges obtain results on their most recent judicial performance evaluation sufficient to have certified them for retention.

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Rules of Appellate Procedure – Comment Period Closed July 16, 2016

Rule 014 Amend. Requires a party seeking review in the Supreme Court or Court of Appeals of an administrative agency order to file a petition for review even if a statute describing the review describes it as an appeal. Removes provisions governed by statute or other rules.

Rule 025A New. Describes the requirement and procedures for serving briefs on the attorney general or county or municipal attorney when challenging the constitutionality of a statute or ordinance. Establishes penalties for failure to do so. Allows the attorney general or county or municipal attorney to file an amicus brief when the constitutionality of a statute or ordinance is challenged. Allows the appellate court to request an amicus brief.


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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed July 8, 2016

CJA03-0104 Presiding judges. Amend. Affirms the authority of presiding judges to appoint senior judges to fill judicial vacancies for up to 14 judicial days without prior approval. Provides that if more than 14 judicial days of coverage is needed, the presiding judge will present to the State Court Administrator a plan for meeting the needs of the court and the budget needed to implement the plan. If any part of the plan is contested by the State Court Administrator, the plan will be reviewed by the Management Committee of the Judicial Council for final determination.
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