Rules Governing the State Bar – Comment Period Closed May 6, 2018

USB14-0409 Amend. Self-study categories of accredited MCLE defined.  Proposed changes to the rule allow up to nine (9) hours of self-study CLE credit during a compliance period for lawyers who lecture on legal topics in community outreach programs.

USB14-0413 Amend. MCLE credit for qualified audio and visual presentations, webcasts, computer interactive telephonic programs, writing, lecturing’ teaching, live attendance.  Proposed changes to the rule state the hours and types of credit that are allowed for lawyers who lecture on legal topics in community outreach programs.

Utah Courts

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3 thoughts on “Rules Governing the State Bar – Comment Period Closed May 6, 2018
  1. KellyMacfarlane


    I prepared an entire history of the UIM and UM auto insurance statutes for the Taggart Symposium for Insurance professionals. I provided the outline to the Bar for approval and credit was denied because no lawyers were invited to the presentation. The credit should be viewed based on the legal scholarship developed by the lecturer not who the audience is. That same year the bar gave its own program. One CLE Credit was handed out for anyone that watched “My Cousin Vinney” at the bar convention with a humorous 15 minute “Panel discussion at the end”? My 15 hours of study and preparation compared to watching a Hollywood movie? Salt in the wound.

  2. Nancy Sylvester

    Draft Rule 14-409 appears to have eliminated its paragraph (a)(3), but 14-413 references 14-409(a)(3) in its paragraph (c)(3). If the deletion was accidental, it may be helpful to clarify whether 14-409(a)(3) applies to Bar or Court committees. Those committees arguably fall under the (a)(3) definition and the committee members spend a decent amount of time each month volunteering to make the legal system better.

  3. Pignanelli Frank R.

    Lawyers in part time public service positions are a consistent and important benefit to our society and democracy. They impart critical information to the legal and non-legal public regrading governmental processes. Whoever is in the audience enjoys a direct link to a decision maker, strengthening the core of representative government. Further, the legal skills of the public service lawyer are enhanced by these activities. Therefore, CLE credit for such outreach is an appropriate and necessary acknowledement of this contribution. As a former lawmaker, I fully support the adoption of these rules.