Category: URJP029A

Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed February 1, 2025

URJP016. Transfer of delinquency case. Amend. The proposed amendments to Rule 16 aim to provide clear and consistent direction regarding the transfer of and venue in a delinquency case while upholding the belief and best practice that a minor is best served by their “home judge.” In the initial stages, paragraph (a) limits the transfer of a referral to the county of occurrence to when a minor or the minor’s parent, guardian, or custodian cannot be located or fails to appear for a preliminary inquiry or the minor declines the offer for a nonjudicial adjustment. Proposed paragraph (b) then establishes the venue for arraignment and pretrial proceedings as the minor’s county of residence. According to paragraph (c), trial proceedings will be transferred to the county of occurrence. Paragraph (c) also provides further direction regarding different types of motions. Changes to paragraph (d) bring the process of transferring a case up-to-date and in-line with eFiling and the C.A.R.E. system.

URJP029. Multiple county offenses. Amend. The proposed changes to Rule 29 are tied to the proposed changes to Rule 16 of the Utah Rules of Juvenile Procedure. Paragraph (a) again establishes that arraignment and pretrial proceedings must occur in the minor’s county of residence. When transferring, paragraph (b) makes reference to Rule 16.


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Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 029A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Modifies the conditions for using as evidence a recorded oral statement of a minor under 14.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 05. Definitions. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 08. Rights of minor while in detention. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 15. Preliminary inquiry; informal adjustment without petition. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 16. Transfer of delinquency case for preliminary inquiry. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes. Permits a receiving court to transfer a referral back to the original court if the minor fails to appear.
URJP 26. Rights of minors in delinquency proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 27. Fingerprinting, photographing, and regulating discovery; HIV testing. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 27A. Admissibility of statements given by minors. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 29A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 31. Initiation of truancy proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 35. Initiation of truancy proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 37A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child in abuse, neglect and dependency proceedings – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 44. Findings and conclusions. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 45. Pre-disposition reports and social studies. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 46. Disposition hearing. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 47. Reviews and modification of orders. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 54. Continuances. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 56. Expungement. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.

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Utah Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 08. Rights of minor while in detention. Amend. Technical changes.
URJP 29A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Deletes advisory committee note. Conforms paragraph numbering to other Supreme Court rules.
URJP 37A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child in abuse, neglect and dependency proceedings – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Deletes advisory committee note. Conforms paragraph numbering to other Supreme Court rules.

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