Category: URJP005

Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed June 10, 2024

URJP005.Definitions. Amend. Rule 5 is being amended to remove the definition of “adjudication.” Senate Bill 88 of the 2024 Legislative Session amends the definition of “adjudication” as found in Utah Code section 80-1-102. “Adjudication” as defined in statute is also a better fit for the Rules of Juvenile Procedure. As a result of the removal of “adjudication,” the remaining paragraphs are renumbered.

URJP013A.Limited-purpose intervention. New. In response to In re J.T., 2023 UT App 157, Rule 13A guides intervention in the juvenile court.

URJP015.Preliminary inquiry; informal adjustment without petition. Amend. The proposed revision to Rule 15 amends paragraph (f) to refer to statute as the guiding criteria for non-judicial extensions. Additional grammatical and stylistic changes were also made for clarity.

URJP022.Initial appearance and preliminary hearing in cases under Utah Code sections 80-6-503 and 80-6-504. Amend. House Joint Resolution 13 of the 2024 Legislative Session made changes to Rule 7B of the Rules of Criminal Procedure related to hearsay. Paragraph (k) of Rule 22 is amended to mirror those changes. Paragraph (k) is further amended to provide clearer direction regarding the raising of objections at the preliminary hearing. Additional grammatical and stylistic changes were also made for clarity.

URJP031.Initiation of truancy proceedings. Repeal. It is proposed that Rule 31 be repealed based on amendments to statute brought by House Bill 362 of the 2024 Legislative Session. Habitual truancy may be referred to the juvenile court for a non-judicial adjustment, but it may not be petitioned.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed August 12, 2021

URJP005. Definitions. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021) and updates the definition of “ungovernability” to align with H.B. 285.

URJP007. Warrants. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modifies the language in subsection (b)(6) regarding runaway minors to align with H.B. 285, adds a statutory reference to the authority a probation officer has to take into custody a minor who violates a condition of probation, and clarifies that “custody” is “temporary custody.”

URJP011. Time limits on detention orders. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021) and adds language to address when diversion in lieu of detention agreements can terminate.

URJP030. Citations; applicable offenses and procedures; bail. Amend.  Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Clarifies a minor’s right to bail when the minor has been cited or is in a detention facility as well as that “court” refers to “juvenile court.”

URJP050. Presence at hearings. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modifies the language in subsection (f) to conform with proposed changes the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure made to Civil Rule 24 involving tribal intervention and participation in Indian Child Welfare Act cases.

URJP060. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021) and qualifies that the time frame in subsection (d) is business days.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed July 12, 2020

URJP005. Definitions. Amended. Makes revisions to definitions of “adult” and “minor” in juvenile delinquency cases to comply with statutory changes in H.B. 384.

URJP017. The petition. Amended.  Makes revisions pertaining to petitions for expungement, including expungement of nonjudicial adjustments and petition for vacatur.

URJP031. Initiation of truancy proceedings.  Amended.  Corrects outdated statutory references.

URJP056. Expungement.  Amended.  Makes revisions to statutory changes contained in H.B. 384 regarding procedures for petitioning for expungement of juvenile court adjudications and nonjudicial adjustments.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed July 22, 2018

URJP005. Amended.  Makes revisions to the definition of “ungovernability” to comply with statutory changes, which become effective July 1, 2018.  Corrects references to “child” rather than “minor.”

URJP09. Amended.  Makes revisions to comply with statutory changes to 78A-6-112 and 78A-6-113, which will become effective July 1, 2018.  The revisions place restrictions on the amount of time and the conditions under which the minor may be held in detention.

URJP011. Amended.  Clarifies that a request to extend the time period for filing a petition related to a detention order shall be made specifically by motion rather than merely “a separate written request.”  Eliminates outdated language regarding court forms.

URJP018. Amended.  Adds the term “parents” to make the language of the rule consistent with 78A-6-109.

URJP058. Amended.  Adds a reference to Chapter 37 to the statement “the court shall honor the rights and procedures accorded to victims pursuant to Title 77, Chapters 37 and 38, Victims Rights.”

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 05. Definitions. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 08. Rights of minor while in detention. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 15. Preliminary inquiry; informal adjustment without petition. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 16. Transfer of delinquency case for preliminary inquiry. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes. Permits a receiving court to transfer a referral back to the original court if the minor fails to appear.
URJP 26. Rights of minors in delinquency proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 27. Fingerprinting, photographing, and regulating discovery; HIV testing. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 27A. Admissibility of statements given by minors. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 29A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 31. Initiation of truancy proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 35. Initiation of truancy proceedings. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 37A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child in abuse, neglect and dependency proceedings – Conditions of admissibility. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 44. Findings and conclusions. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 45. Pre-disposition reports and social studies. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 46. Disposition hearing. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 47. Reviews and modification of orders. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 54. Continuances. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.
URJP 56. Expungement. Amend. Modifies terms “minor” and “child” to conform with statutes.

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