Category: URCP045

Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed January 31, 2025

URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. AMEND. Proposed amendments to (b)(4) regarding orders related to subpoenas under rule 45, and adding motions that may be acted upon without waiting for a response under (l).

URCP030. Depositions upon oral questions. AMEND. Proposed amendment to subparagraph (b)(6) to add clarity regarding objections to a subpoena, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.

URCP037. Statement of discovery issues; Sanctions; Failure to admit, to attend deposition or to preserve evidence. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a reference to objections under rule 45(e)(4) to the statement of discovery issues in subparagraph (a)(2), as well as to subparagraph (a)(3), to add person subject to and non parties affected by subpoenas to the proposed order requirements found in (a)(5), to remove subparagraph (b)(6), and amendments to correct references to other rules as well as conform with the style guide for the rules.

URCP045. Subpoena. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a written requirement to subparagraph (e)(4), to clarify the process found in subparagraph (e)(5) regarding responses to objections and compliance, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.

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Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment period closed February 11, 2021

URCP005. Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 5(b)(3) would make email service the default method.

URCP006. Time. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 6(c) acknowledge the timing issues surrounding mail service by expanding the amount of time to act from 3 days to 7.

URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 7 would provide that motion hearings may be held remotely, consistent with the safeguards in Rule 43(b).

URCP037. Statement of discovery issues; Sanctions; Failure to admit, to attend deposition or to preserve evidence. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 37 would provide that hearings on discovery issues be conducted remotely, consistent with the Rule 43(b) safeguards.

URCP043. Evidence. AMEND. Replaces repealed Code of Judicial Administration Rule 4-106. The proposed amendments would provide appropriate safeguards for the use of remote hearings and bring evidentiary hearings into the rule’s purview. The amendments would also adopt an oath to be used for all witness testimony.

URCP045. Subpoena. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 45 would provide that if an appearance is required in response to a subpoena, the subpoena must provide notice of the date, time, and place for the appearance and, if remote transmission is requested, instructions for participation and who to contact if there are technical difficulties.

URCP076. Notice of contact information change. AMEND. The proposed amendments to Rule 76 would coordinate with the Rule 5 amendments by clarifying the purposes for which updated contact information is provided to the court.

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Utah Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed September 24, 2017

URCP006. Time. Amend. Adopts the prisoner mailbox rule, which provides that pleadings and papers filed or served by an inmate confined in an institution are timely if they are deposited in the institution’s internal mail system on or before the last day for filing. Also provides that if an unrepresented party does not have an electronic filing account, has been served by mail under rule 5(b)(3)(C), and response time is calculated from the filing date, response time will instead be calculated by the service date plus the 3 days under paragraph (c).

URCP026.03. Subpoena. Amend. In response to recent legislative updates to Utah Code section 78B-6-810, changes the language in paragraphs (b)(2) and (c) from “occupancy hearing” to “evidentiary hearing” and removes the language “to determine occupancy” in those paragraphs. Also removes the reference to commercial tenants in paragraph (a).
URCP045. Subpoena. Amend. Makes a technical amendment in conformity with Rule 6.
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Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed February 17, 2017

URCP005 Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. Amend. Adopts the prisoner mailbox rule, which provides that pleadings and papers filed by an inmate confined in an institution are timely if they are deposited in the institution’s internal mail system on or before the last day for filing.

URCP045 Subpoena. Amend. In conformity with Rule 84’s repeal, makes a technical amendment to paragraph (A)(1)(E).

URCP084 Forms. Repeal. Since the task of creating and updating court forms will now reside with the newly formed Judicial Council Standing Committee on Forms under UCJA Rules 1-205 and 3-117, the Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure will no longer create forms.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 026. General provisions governing disclosure and discovery. Amend. Refers the person requesting extraordinary discovery to rule 37.
URCP 045. Subpoena. Amend. Refers the person objecting to a subpoena or requesting an order to compel to rule 37. Requires that a third-party subpoena be served on the other parties.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 016. Pretrial conferences, scheduling, and management conferences. Amend. Coordinates sanction provisions with those in Rule 35 and Rule 37. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 023A. Derivative actions by shareholders. Renumber and amend. Renumbers the rule to conform to Supreme Court protocol. Amends the rule to more clearly delineate the content of the petition. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 026. General provisions governing discovery. Amend. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 033. Interrogatories to parties. Amend. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 034. Production of documents and things and entry upon land for inspection and other purposes. Amend. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 035. Physical and mental examination of persons. Amend. Coordinates sanction provisions with those in Rule 16 and Rule 37. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 037. Failure to make or cooperate in discovery; sanctions. Amend. Creates sanctions for spoliation of evidence. Coordinates sanction provisions with those in Rule 16 and Rule 35. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 045. Subpoena. Amend. Require person scheduling deposition to give advance notice before serving subpoena. Permit person serving subpoena rather than recipient to decide whether records should be copied and delivered or delivered for inspection and copying. Requires advance payment of costs upon request. Clarifies the grounds and procedures for objecting to a subpoena. Requires declaration under penalty of perjury to accompany documents produced under a subpoena. Adopt the federal provisions governing discovery of electronically stored information. Delete committee note. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP Form 40. Subpoena. Repeal & Reenact. Subpoena, Notice of Rights, Objection. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 101. Motion practice before court commissioners. Amend. Permit motion for default judgment to be heard by the court commissioner. Technical amendments. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.
URCP 106. Modification of divorce decrees. Amend. Expand to include modification of any final domestic relations order. Proposed effective date: November 1, 2007.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 045. Subpoena. Amend. Require person scheduling deposition to give advance notice before serving subpoena. Permit person serving subpoena rather than recipient to decide whether records should be copied and delivered or delivered for inspection and copying. Requires advance payment of costs upon request. Clarifies the grounds and procedures for objecting to a subpoena. Requires declaration under penalty of perjury to accompany documents produced under a subpoena. Delete committee note.
URCP Form 40. Subpoena. Repeal & Reenact. Subpoena, Notice of Rights, Objection, Declaration of compliance.
URCP 063. Disability or disqualification of a judge. Amend. Clarify that judge is to take no action in a case after a motion to recuse has been filed.
URCP 074. Withdrawal of counsel. Amend. Requires judicial consent for withdrawal if a hearing has been set.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 45. Subpoena. Amend. Correct reference to Rule 4 regarding methods of serving subpoena
URCP 47. Jurors. Amend. Conforms rule regulating conversing with jurors to caselaw.
URCP 56. Summary judgment. Amend. Corrects reference to URCP 7. Technical amendments.
URCP 63. Disability or disqualification of a judge. Amend. Advises the judge regarding voluntary recusal upon remand after reversal.
URCP 64. Writs in general. New. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64A. Prejudgment writs in general. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64B. Writ of replevin. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64C. Writ of attachment. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64D. Writ of garnishment. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64E. Writ of execution. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 64F. Waiver of bond or undertaking. Repeal. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 66. Receivers. Repeal and reenact. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures.
URCP 69. Execution and proceedings supplemental thereto. Repeal. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures. Substantial changes to seizure and sale of property.
URCP 69A. Seizure of property. New. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures. Substantial changes to seizure and sale of property.
URCP 69B. Sale of property; delivery of property. New. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures. Substantial changes to seizure and sale of property.
URCP 69C. Redemption of real property after sale. New. Substantial reorganization of rules regulating writs for the seizure of property. Substantial changes to procedures. Substantial changes to seizure and sale of property.

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