Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed January 31, 2025
URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. AMEND. Proposed amendments to (b)(4) regarding orders related to subpoenas under rule 45, and adding motions that may be acted upon without waiting for a response under (l).
URCP030. Depositions upon oral questions. AMEND. Proposed amendment to subparagraph (b)(6) to add clarity regarding objections to a subpoena, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.
URCP037. Statement of discovery issues; Sanctions; Failure to admit, to attend deposition or to preserve evidence. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a reference to objections under rule 45(e)(4) to the statement of discovery issues in subparagraph (a)(2), as well as to subparagraph (a)(3), to add person subject to and non parties affected by subpoenas to the proposed order requirements found in (a)(5), to remove subparagraph (b)(6), and amendments to correct references to other rules as well as conform with the style guide for the rules.
URCP045. Subpoena. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a written requirement to subparagraph (e)(4), to clarify the process found in subparagraph (e)(5) regarding responses to objections and compliance, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.