Category: URCP030

Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed January 31, 2025

URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. AMEND. Proposed amendments to (b)(4) regarding orders related to subpoenas under rule 45, and adding motions that may be acted upon without waiting for a response under (l).

URCP030. Depositions upon oral questions. AMEND. Proposed amendment to subparagraph (b)(6) to add clarity regarding objections to a subpoena, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.

URCP037. Statement of discovery issues; Sanctions; Failure to admit, to attend deposition or to preserve evidence. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a reference to objections under rule 45(e)(4) to the statement of discovery issues in subparagraph (a)(2), as well as to subparagraph (a)(3), to add person subject to and non parties affected by subpoenas to the proposed order requirements found in (a)(5), to remove subparagraph (b)(6), and amendments to correct references to other rules as well as conform with the style guide for the rules.

URCP045. Subpoena. AMEND. Proposed amendments to add a written requirement to subparagraph (e)(4), to clarify the process found in subparagraph (e)(5) regarding responses to objections and compliance, and amendments to conform with the style guide for the rules.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 005. Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. Amend. Eliminates service by fax. Eliminates the requirement that a party must agree to service by email. Describes how to file an affidavit or declaration, given the requirements of e-filing. Makes numerous amendments intended to simplify the text.
URCP 030. Depositions upon oral questions. Amend. Deletes an incorrect reference to appellate transcripts of court hearings as the method for preparing a transcript of a deposition.
URCP 037. Discovery and disclosure motions; Sanctions. Amend. Replaces traditional discovery motions with the process of expedited statements of discovery issues currently found in Code of Judicial Administration Rule 4-502. If approved, the procedural provisions of Rule 4-502 will be deleted. Allows costs and attorney’s fees to be included as part of a statement of discovery issues, but requires a motion for sanctions.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

The Civil Rules Committee has been working on extensive amendments to the rules, and particularly the discovery rules, in an effort to reduce the cost and delay of civil litigation. The draft rules were informally published in June 2010, and members of the committee met with lawyers and judges throughout the state to explain the rules and seek comments and suggestions. The informal comment period ended in December 2010.
Since then, the committee has reviewed and discussed all comments, and the draft rules were revised in response to some of them. The most significant changes were to specify “tiers” of standard discovery based on the amount at issue in the litigation and to provide parties with the choice of receiving a report from an opposing expert, or taking a 4-hour deposition of the opposing expert.
The draft rules are now being officially published, and comments will be accepted during the 45-day comment period. The committee will consider all comments received, make further changes to the rules if warranted, and then send its recommendations to the Supreme Court.
The comment deadline is June 21.
URCP 001. General provisions. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 008. General rules of pleadings. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 009. Pleading special matters. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 016. Pretrial conferences. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 026. General provisions governing disclosure and discovery. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 026A. Disclosure in domestic relations actions. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 029. Stipulations regarding disclosure and discovery procedure. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 030. Depositions. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 031. Depositions upon written questions. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 033. Interrogatories to parties. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 034. Production of documents and things and entry upon land for inspection and other purposes. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 035. Physical and mental examination of persons. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 036. Request for admission. w/o redline w/redline
URCP 037. Failure to make or cooperate in disclosure or discovery; sanctions. w/o redline w/redline

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