Category: URAP044

Utah Rules of Appellate Procedure – Comment Period Closes April 20, 2025

URAP035. Petition for rehearing. The Committee proposes amending Rule 35 to update the reference to Rule 27 which was amended May 1, 2024.

URAP044. Transfer of improperly pursued appeals. The Committee proposes amending Rule 44 to: 1) clarify what happens when an appeal is improperly filed with the appellate court and what the filing date of the appeal will be; and 2) clarify that a transfer of an appeal under this rule is not an adjudication that jurisdiction is proper.


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Rules of Appellate Procedure – Comment Period Closed May 22, 2020

URAP028A. Appellate Mediation Office. Amend. The proposed amendments to Rule 28A incorporate the advisory committee note into the language of the rule and repeal the note.

URAP044. Transfer of improperly pursued appeals. Amend. The proposed amendments to Rule 44 incorporate the advisory committee note into the language of the rule and repeal the note.

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