Rules of Appellate Procedure Comment Period Closes August 25, 2024

URAP019 Rule 19. Extraordinary relief. Amend. The Committee proposes amending Rule 19 to update the reference to Rule 23C.

URAP021 Rule 21. Filing and service. Amend. The Committee proposes amending Rule 21 to: (1) remove the language “and accompanied by proof of service” in paragraph (c) because that language is unnecessary where paragraph (e) provides the requirements for proof of service; and (2) change “contact information” to “user accounts” to clarify that electronic service will occur on parties that have a user account.

URAP023C Rule 23C. Motion for emergency relief. Amend. The Committee proposes amending Rule 23C to: (1) change the term “emergency relief” to “expedited review” throughout the rule and further clarify that this rule cannot provide any substantive relief, but provides only a means for obtaining expedited review of a pending motion, petition, or appeal; (2) clarify the content length of a motion for expedited review; and (3) clean-up language for clarity and consistency.

URAP029 Rule 29. Oral Argument. Amend. The Committee proposes amending Rule 29 to add that a party may not reserve more than five minutes for rebuttal during oral argument.