Category: -Rules Governing the State Bar

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0404. Public information program. Amend. Clarifies the purpose of the public information program.
CJA 04-0202.08 Fees for records, information, and services. Amend. Adjusts the fees for Xchange to include downloading documents. Adds a per-use fee for those who do not subscribe.
CJA 04-0701. Failure to appear. Amend. Clarify that the bail increase applies to each case rather than to each charge in the case.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

Petition to refine definition of lawyers “active under 3” licensing status. Specify that to qualify for the “active, under 3 years” category means to have practiced less than 3 years in any jurisdiction.
Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 2. USB14-0203.License categories.
Petition to amend RLDD 14-507 to provide mandatory collection of lawyers’ email addresses. Require the Bar to collect, maintain and have ready access to a lawyer’s e-mail address. Lawyer could still designate the e-mail address as private.
Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 2.
Exhibit 3. USB14-0507.Roster of lawyers and current record information.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

USB 14-0510. Prosecution and appeals. Amend. The proposed amendments provide a right of appeal from an informal disciplinary proceeding, specify the rights of the complainant and respondent at the screening panel proceeding, and detail the exceptions and appeal procedures.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

Petition. Petition to modify rules governing mandatory continuing legal education. To adjust the MCLE compliance periods to conform to the Utah State Bar’s licensing renewal periods.
USB 14-0404. Active status lawyers: MCLE, NLTP and admission on motion requirements. Amend. Approved effective January 1, 2009 as an expedited amendment under Rule 11-101(6)(F). Subject to change after the comment period.
USB 14-0414. Certificate of compliance; filing, late, and reinstatement fees; suspension; reinstatement. Amend. Approved effective January 1, 2009 as an expedited amendment under Rule 11-101(6)(F). Subject to change after the comment period.
Supreme Court Order

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