Category: -Code of Judicial Administration

Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies as private the records in guardianship and conservatorship cases, except the order and letter of appointment. Classifies as private the records in guardianship and conservatorship cases, except the order and letter of appointment. Classifies some select data elements as public or private. This rule is being published for comment a second time, after amendments made in response to earlier comments. The further changes are highlighted in yellow.
CJA 04-202.03. Records access. Amend. Permit access to juvenile court records by the Department of Human Services.
CJA 04-202.09. Miscellaneous. Amend. Prohibits including non-public information in an otherwise public document. Specifies substitutes for personal identifying information.This rule is being published for comment a second time, after amendments made in response to earlier comments. The further changes are highlighted in yellow.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-403. Signature stamp use. Amend. Deletes “orders prepared by the court” from the list of documents for which a judge may give blanket authority to stamp his or her signature. Approved as an expedited amendment under Rule 2-205. Subject to further change after the comment period.
CJA 04-906. Guardian ad litem program. Amend. Establishes the relationship between the Director, the Oversight Committee, attorneys, staff and volunteers. Clarifies the complaint, discipline and appeal process.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Adds an attorney with experience representing parents in abuse, neglect and dependency cases to the Committee on Children and Family Law.
CJA 01-305. Board of Senior Judges. Amend. Restrict membership to active senior judges.
CJA 02-103. Open and closed meetings. Amend. Prohibits those attending a closed meeting from discussing the topic except with others attending the meeting.
CJA 03-403. Judicial branch education. Amend. Establishes the minimum requirements for an active senior judge after a break in service.
CJA 04-202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies as private the records in guardianship and conservatorship cases, except the order and letter of appointment. Classifies some select data elements as public or private.
CJA 04-202.09. Miscellaneous. Amend. Prohibits including non-public information in an otherwise public document. Specifies substitutes for personal identifying information.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-509. Court-appointed parent coordinator. New. Establishes the role, qualifications and procedures of the parent coordinator.
CJA 06-501. Reporting requirements for guardians and conservators. Amend. Exempt OPG from test requirement.
CJA Chapter 11. Article 1. Advisory Committees and the Rulemaking Process. Amend. Creates from Rule 11-101 a series of rules. Each rule regulates a particular topic in the rulemaking process.
CJA 11-101. Creation and Composition of Advisory Committees. Amend. Adds a provision that committee members are officers of the court and not representatives of any interest.
CJA 11-102. Advisory Committee Procedures. New. Adds quorum and voting requirements.
CJA 11-103. Rulemaking Procedures. New. Recognizes reliance on written comments.
CJA 11-104. Procedures Pertaining to the Practice of Law. New. Technical amendments.
CJA 11-105. Supreme Court Action on Rule Modifications. New. Adds distribution and comment provisions to rule amendments initiated by the Supreme Court.
CJA 11-106. Rule Distribution Process. New. Adds a distribution and publication provision.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-413. Judicial library resources. Amend. Deletes references to materials no longer published.
CJA 04-201 Record of proceedings. Amend Permits the judge to allow access to the digital recording otherwise dsignated as “notes.”
CJA 04-203. Designating a case as historically significant. New. Establishes a process by which a person can request that a case be designated as historically significant. Records in historically significant cases will be retained permanently.
CJA 04-401. Media in the courtroom. Amend. Permits audio and video transmissions from the courtroom. Prohibits photographing documents and exhibits not in the public record. Clarifies that the judge can control areas adjacent to the courtroom without automatic restrictions.
CJA 06-601. The Board of District Court Judges. Amend. Prohibits a judge who is substituting for a Board member from making or voting on motions.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-202.03. Records access. Amend. Requires approval of the judge to release a competency evaluation, psychological evaluation or sex risk behavior assessment to the subject of the record or a duly authorized representative of the subject of the record.
CJA 04-510. Alternative dispute resolution. Amend. Reflects statewide application of most of the rule. Creates uniform method to defer ADR.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-0403. Signature stamp use. Amend. Permits a judge’s signature stamp to be used on orders prepared by the court.
CJA 04-0405. Juror and witness fees and expenses. Amend. Authorizes alternative process to certify attendance of a juror or witness.
CJA 04-0409. Council approval of Problem Solving Courts. New. Establishes Council enforcement of minimum requirements and reporting for drug courts and other problem solving courts.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-304. General authority and duties. Amend. Modify the authority of the Presiding judge. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 02-106.04. Self improvement process. Amend. Modify the authority of the Presiding judge. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 03-104. Presiding judges. Amend. Modify the authority of the Presiding judge. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 03-301. Court administrators. Amend. Modify the authority of the Presiding judge. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-304. Official court reporters. Amend. Amendments to conform with Rule 4-201. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 03-407. Accounting. Amend. Change composition of advisory committee. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 04-201. Record of proceedings. Amend. Distinguishes between analogue and digital record keeping systems for minimum record keeping requirements. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 06-501. Fiduciary accountings. New. Adopt procedural provisions of Rule 6-503, 6-504 and 6-505. Better conform to statute. Resolve ambiguities in the statute. Establish minimum reporting requirements. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 06-503. Annual report of guardian. Repeal. Move procedural provisions to Rule 6-501. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 06-504. Annual accounting of conservator. Repeal. Move procedural provisions to Rule 6-501. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.
CJA 06-505. Fiduciary accountings. Repeal. Move procedural provisions to Rule 6-501. Proposed Effective Date: November 1, 2007.

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