Category: CJA02-0212

Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closes June 29, 2024

CJA04-0601. Selection of indigent aggravated murder and defense fund counsel (REPEAL)
Under Senate Bill 160, effective May 1, 2024, the Office of Indigent Defense Services will be responsible for administering the Indigent Aggravated Murder Defense Fund and assigning an indigent defense service provider to represent individuals prosecuted for aggravated murder. As such, rule 4-601 has been repealed.

CJA02-0212. Communication with the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel (AMEND)
House Bill 344, effective May 1, 2024, combines the legislature’s “Judicial Rules Review Committee” and “Administrative Rules Review and General Oversight Committee” into one committee called the “Rules Review and General Oversight Committee.” The amendments bring the rule in line with new reporting requirements in the bill.

CJA04-0907. Divorce education and divorce orientation course (AMEND)
Under House Bill 337, effective May 1, 2024, the Judicial Council must provide a separate mandatory parenting course “for unmarried parties in a parentage action determining issues of child custody and parent-time.” Until the unmarried parties course is available, unmarried parties must attend the married parents course.



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Code of Judicial Administration – Comment Period Closed February 17, 2017

CJA01-205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Creates a new Judicial Council Standing Committee on Forms; provides committee composition. Expedited under Rule 2-205.

CJA02-212. Communication with the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel. Amend. Limits and changes the timing of the notice requirement to the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel of the Court’s draft rules.

CJA03-117. Committee on Court Forms. New. Establishes the charge for the new Judicial Council Standing Committee on Forms. Expedited under Rule 2-205.

CJA04-103. Civil calendar management. Amend. Pursuant to Cannon v. Holmes, 2016 UT 42 and Civil Rule 41, requires that all orders of dismissal entered under the rule must contain the language “without prejudice.”

CJA04-202.02. Records Classification. Amend. Makes dismissals in criminal cases private except in limited circumstances.

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