Category: -Rules of Civil Procedure

Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0404. Public information program. Amend. Clarifies the purpose of the public information program.
CJA 04-0202.08 Fees for records, information, and services. Amend. Adjusts the fees for Xchange to include downloading documents. Adds a per-use fee for those who do not subscribe.
CJA 04-0701. Failure to appear. Amend. Clarify that the bail increase applies to each case rather than to each charge in the case.

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Audio Records of Hearings; Transcripts

The Judicial Council proposes the following amendments to the Code of Judicial Administration as part of its responsibility under Section 78A-2-405 to govern the manner in which the courts maintain the verbatim record of hearings. The Supreme Court proposes the following amendments to the Rules of Civil and Appellate Procedure governing the preparation of transcripts.
CJA 04-201. Record of proceedings. Amend. Eliminate requirements and standards for recording a court hearing by an official court reporter. Rely exclusively on audio video records.
CJA 03-305. Official court transcribers. Renumber and amend. Eliminate provisions for assignment of transcript preparation. Renumber as 5-202.
CJA 03-304. Official court reporters. Renumber and amend. Eliminate provisions regulating the office of official court reporter. Retain transcript format. Renumber as 5-203.
CJA 03-304.01. Substitute certified shorthand reporters. Repeal. Eliminate provisions for a substitute shorthand reporter.
URAP 11. The record on appeal. Amend. Request preparation of an official transcript through the appellate court clerk rather than the trial court executive.
URAP 12. Transmission of the record. Amend. Shifts responsibilities from the official court reporter to a court transcriber.
URAP 54. Transcript of proceedings. Amend. Request preparation of an official transcript through the appellate court clerk rather than the trial court clerk.
URCP 052. Findings by the court; correction of the record. Amend. Establishes a procedure for correcting the record of a hearing.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders, objection to commissioner’s order. Amend. Move process for objecting to a commissioner’s recommendation from Rule 7 to Rule 101.
URCP 101. Motion practice before court commissioners. Amend. Move process for objecting to a commissioner’s recommendation from Rule 7 to Rule 101.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 006. Time. Repeal and reenact. Conforms the computation of time to the days-are-days approach of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of less than 30 days in several rules will be extended to a uniform 7/14/21 days. The list of deadlines proposed to be amended is attached. If Rule 6 is approved, those rules will be amended to change the deadlines as indicated, but the rules will not be published for comment. Deadlines not listed are not proposed to be amended.
List of Deadline Changes in Conjunction with New Rule 6.

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 001. General provisions. Amend. Removes electronic filing from the pilot project phase.
URCP 005. Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. Amend. Recognizes electronic service, as well as traditional methods. Permits the judge to require electronic filing.
URCP 010. Form of pleadings and other papers. Amend. Prohibits redundant, immaterial, impertinent or scandalous matter. Makes upper-left corner of document uniform for represented and self-represented parties. Permits but does not require a graphic signature if a document is electronically filed. Includes electronic records within the scope of the rules.
URCP 011. Signing of pleadings, motions, and other papers; representations to court; sanctions. Amend. Permits a self-authenticated statement instead of an affidavit in accordance with Section 46-5-101. Recognizes electronic signatures.
URCP 064D. Writ of garnishment. Amend. To accommodate electronic filing, the amendment allows the creditor to pledge to serve the garnishee’s fee rather than attach it to the filing.

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