CJA 04-509. Court-appointed parent coordinator. New. Establishes the role, qualifications and procedures of the parent coordinator.
CJA 06-501. Reporting requirements for guardians and conservators. Amend. Exempt OPG from test requirement.
CJA Chapter 11. Article 1. Advisory Committees and the Rulemaking Process. Amend. Creates from Rule 11-101 a series of rules. Each rule regulates a particular topic in the rulemaking process.
CJA 11-101. Creation and Composition of Advisory Committees. Amend. Adds a provision that committee members are officers of the court and not representatives of any interest.
CJA 11-102. Advisory Committee Procedures. New. Adds quorum and voting requirements.
CJA 11-103. Rulemaking Procedures. New. Recognizes reliance on written comments.
CJA 11-104. Procedures Pertaining to the Practice of Law. New. Technical amendments.
CJA 11-105. Supreme Court Action on Rule Modifications. New. Adds distribution and comment provisions to rule amendments initiated by the Supreme Court.
CJA 11-106. Rule Distribution Process. New. Adds a distribution and publication provision.