Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed January 3, 2020

URJP009. Detention hearings; scheduling; hearing procedures.  Amended. Makes revisions to comply with statutory changes to 78A-6-112 and 78A-6-113.  The revisions place restrictions on the amount of time and the conditions under which the minor may be held in detention.  Requires a court determination of grounds for admission within 24 hours including weekends and holidays.  Deletes the Advisory Committee Note.  [Note: The Advisory Committee is continuing its discussion on whether the appropriate standard in the rule should be reasonable basis, reasonable grounds or probable cause and may address this question in a separate rule revision at a later date.]

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed December 6, 2019

URCrP004. Prosecution by information.

URCrP006. Warrant of arrest or summons.

The proposed amendments will require the court to review an information for probable cause prior to issuing a warrant. Review is not required at the time of issuing a summons.
URCrP038. Appeals from justice court to district court.
The proposed amendment will result in the justice court no longer being required to send the entire file to the district court on appeal. Only certain documents will be sent.
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Code of Judicial Administration and Rules of Appellate Procedure – Comment Period Closes November 23, 2019

CJA11-0401.Standing Committee on Appellate Representation and the Appellate Roster. Amend.

URAP038B. Qualifications for Appointed Appellate Counsel. Amend.

URAP058. Ruling. Amend.

The following is a brief summary of the rule amendments:

  • Updates terminology in Rule 11-401 to address legislative changes;
  • Addresses in Rule 11-401 the addition to the Appellate Roster of appeals of private parental termination cases from the district court;
  • Adds a mentoring provision to Rule 11-401;
  • Adds a rolling admissions provision to Rule 11-401;
  • Addresses in Rule 11-401 the Indigent Defense Commission’s role with the committee;
  • Merges the provisions of Appellate Rule 38B into Rule 11-401;
  • Addresses in Rules 38B and 11-401 the role of attorneys’ contracts with government entities to represent indigent individuals on appeal prior to Rule 11-401’s adoption;
  • Addresses the tension between Rule 55 and the child welfare appellate roster in Rule 58;
  • Adds transparency to the Appellate Roster vetting process; and
  • Amends the Appellate Roster reconsideration process.
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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed September 1, 2019

URCrP009. The proposed amendments modify the times within which a defendant must appear in court after a warrantless arrest when the defendant has been unable to meet the release conditions set by the magistrate.

URCrP009A. The proposed amendments modify the times within which a defendant must appear in court when the defendant has been arrested pursuant to a warrant and has been unable to meet the release conditions set by the court.

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Rules of Civil Procedure – Comment Period Closed August 11, 2019

URCP007A. Motion to enforce order and for sanctions. New. Creates a new, uniform process for enforcing court orders through a regular motion practice. Replaces the current order to show cause process.
URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. Amend. Repeals paragraph (q) and moves the provisions addressing the court’s inherent power to initiate order to show cause proceedings to new Rule 7A(h).

URCP100. Coordination of cases pending in district court and juvenile court. Amend. To ensure better coordination of cases between courts, Rule 100 is amended to clarify that parties who have a child custody case in one court must notify that court of any other custody case in another court involving the same party or the same child. Custody cases include minor guardianship.


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