Category: -Rules of Criminal Procedure

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed December 3, 2021

URCrP011. Pleas. Amend. The proposed change would provide that both parties must either affirm or have the opportunity to withdraw from a plea agreement if the judge decides that the final disposition will not conform to the plea agreement to which the Court had previously approved. Also included are grammatical changes that make the rule comply with the court’s style guide.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed March 6, 2021

URCrP016. This proposal incorporates changes suggested by the public comments to require disclosure of police officer’s notes only if they have not been incorporated into a police report, allowing defendants to waive the mandatory disclosures, and clarifying the notice procedure when a prosecutor decides a required disclosure is either not lawful or would endanger any person or an ongoing investigation.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed February 23, 2019

URCrP007B. The proposed amendment states that a motion to quash a bindover will be decided by the judge to whom the case is assigned after bindover.

URCrP016. The proposed amendments create greater specificity about the information that must be disclosed by the prosecution and by the defense. And the proposed amendments expand on the consequences for failing to disclose information.

URCrP027. The proposed amendments will allow a defendant to seek a stay upon filing a motion for a new trial.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Comment Period Closed August 5, 2018

URCrP007C. Amend. The amendments to rule 7C will bring the rule in line with current practices. The rule clarifies the processes for securing a material witness’s testimony.

URCrP008. Amend. The amendments to rule 8 will make the rule consistent with developments in the law. The amendments will also require trial courts of record to appoint counsel on appeal from the roster maintained by the Board of Appellate Court Judges.

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