Month: March 2019

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Rules of Professional Conduct – Comment Period Closed May 5, 2019

RPC.0804. Misconduct. Amend. Provides that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct that is an unlawful, discriminatory, or retaliatory employment practice under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or the Utah Antidiscrimination Act. “Employer” means any person or entity that employs one or more persons. The amendments also provide that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to egregiously violate, or engage in a pattern of repeated violations, of the Standards of Professionalism and Civility if such violations harm the lawyer’s client or another lawyer’s client or are prejudicial to the administration of justice.

This rule coordinates with Utah State Bar Rule 14-301, Standards of Professionalism and Civility.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Comment Period Closed April 28, 2019

URJP009. Detention hearings; scheduling; hearing procedure. Amended. Clarifies that the findings made at the time a minor is held in detention are not also required if the court determines instead that a minor should be released.

URJP032. Initiation of ungovernability and runaway cases.  Amended. Revised to reflect that the rule applies to children and not minors and to mirror the language of Section 78A-6-103(3).

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