Month: September 2004

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Utah Rules of Criminal Procedure

URCrP 07. Proceedings before magistrate. Amend. Conforms the rule to the statute which allows justice court judges to make probable cause determinations in first degree felonies. Also eliminates the requirement of a written bindover order.
URCrP 11. Pleas. Amend. States that compliance with the rule will be determined by reviewing the entire record and variances which do not affect substantial rights will be disregarded.
URCrP 12. Motions. Amend. Clarifies that motions for a reduction may be filed any time after sentencing.

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Utah Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 051. Instructions to jury; objections. Amend. Permits the judge discretion to repeat earlier instructions as necessary.
URCP 073. Attorney fees. Amend. Requires a statement that attorney will not split fees in violation of Code of Professional Responsibility.

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Utah Rules of Appellate Procedure

URAP 29. Oral argument. Amend. Limits the appellant’s reply argument to points made in the appellee’s argument.
URAP 48. Time for petitioning. Amend. Changes to 7 the number of copies to be filed on a petition for writ of certiorari.
URAP 50. Brief in opposition; reply brief; brief of amicus curiae. Amend. Changes to 7 the number of copies to be filed on a brief in opposition, reply brief and brief of amicus curiae.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-205. Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Establishes the Committee on Self-represented Parties.
CJA 03-111.03. Standards of judicial performance Amend. Eliminates possibility of lawyer with trial experience being removed from respondent pool due to too few total appearances.
CJA 03-115.Committee on self-represented parties. New. Identifies the responsibilities of the committee.
CJA 03-408.Inventory. Amend. Changes minimum value for mandatory inventory control from $500 to $1,000.
CJA 03-411. Grant management. Amend. Adds approval by the legislature for large federal grants.
CJA 03-413. Judicial library resources. Amend. Eliminate mandatory subscription to Utah Advance Reports, an equivalent email notification service being offered by the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
CJA 09-105. Justice Court hours Amend. Establishes 5-day operation as the standard for justice courts. Permits waiver by the Judicial Council
CJA 10-1-203. Designation of video arraignment areas as courtroom. Amend. Update references to video arraignment courtrooms in Second District Court.

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