Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective November 1, 2017

URJP018 Adds language regarding the ability to serve a pleading by email on an attorney who has an email account on file with the Utah State Bar. Clarifies that eFiling in the Juvenile Court’s Court and Agency Records Exchange (C.A.R.E.) does not constitute service upon a party and that an agreement to accept email service is not required to effectuate the provisions of Rule 18.

Supreme Court Order


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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective November 1, 2017

CJA04-103 Civil calendar management. Amend. Pursuant to Cannon v. Holmes, 2016 UT 42, and Civil Rule 41, requires that all orders of dismissal entered under the rule must contain the language “without prejudice.”

CJA4-202.09 Miscellaneous. Amend. Provides that records in property and use tax cases involving commercial information as that term is defined in Utah Code § 59-1-404 are protected. If a request is made to access a record or records, the records will be released within 14 days, except for specific records ordered by the court as sealed, private, protected, or safeguarded. 30 days after the court issues a non-appealable, final order, all records will be public, except as otherwise classified.

CJA09-301 Record of arraignment and conviction. Repeal. The Court of Appeals has determined that failure to follow this rule does not affect the validity of a plea or conviction with respect to enhancements. State v. Gonzales, 2005 UT App 538, 127 P.3d 1252. The rule is also redundant to other rules and statutes. See, e.g., URCrP Rule 11, CJA Rule 4-609, Utah Code § 53-10-208.1.

Judicial Council Order


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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective May 22, 2017

CJA01-0205 Standing and ad hoc committees. Amend. Expands committee composition to include one educator from a paralegal program or law school and one person skilled in linguistics or communication.

CJA03-0117 Committee on Court Forms. Amend. Expands the charge for the new Judicial Council Standing Committee on Forms to include procedures for eliminating obsolete and outdated forms and procedures for recommending which forms should be translated into other languages.
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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar – Effective May 1, 2017

USB14-0110 Proposed changes to 14-110 allow inactive Bar members to serve of all Bar committees.

USB14-0405 The changes to 14-405 clarify the rule that prohibits lawyers from switching from active to inactive and then back to active again within the same year in order to avoid MCLE compliance.

USB14-0508 Proposed changes to Rule 14-508 requires lawyers who are administratively suspended for three years or more for failure to pay license fees to reapply for re-enrollment.

USB14-0517 Proposed changes to 14-517(f) provide that a Bar a complaint against any lawyer employed by the Bar will be reviewed by the Ethics and Discipline Committee Chair or a special prosecutor rather than by the Office of Professional Conduct.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Effective May 1, 2017

URCrP004 Amend. This rule was previously published for public comment and the committee made changes in response to the comments. The committee continues to review and refine the processes for filing informations.

URCrP004A New. The proposed new rule will address the process for prosecutions commenced by indictment.

URCrP004B New. The proposed new rule will address the process for prosecutions commenced by citation.

URCrP029 Amend. The proposed amendment will eliminate the presiding officer of the Judicial Council as a person to whom disqualification affidavits may be referred.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Civil Procedure – Effective May 1, 2017

URCP007. Pleadings allowed; motions, memoranda, hearings, orders. Amend. Returns pre-2015 paragraph (b)(2) language addressing limits on orders to show cause to new paragraph (q).
URCP035. Physical and mental examination of persons. Amend. The 2017 amendments to Rule 35 clarify when there is overlap between a Rule 26(a)(4) expert report and when there is not. They also provide the shorter of a 60-day time frame or 7 days prior to the close of fact discovery in which the party requesting the Rule 35 examination must disclose the report to the person being examined.
URCP045. Subpoena. Amend. In conformity with Rule 84’s repeal, makes a technical amendment to paragraph (a)(1)(E). Also makes a technical amendment to paragraph (i) in anticipation of the prisoner mailbox rule’s adoption.
URCP065C. Post-conviction relief. Amend. Expressly makes all records in the criminal case under review, including the records in an appeal of that conviction, part of the trial court record in the petition for post-conviction relief.
URCP084. Forms. Repeal. Since the task of creating and updating court forms resides with the newly formed Judicial Council Standing Committee on Forms under UCJA Rules 1-205 and 3-117, the Supreme Court’s Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure will no longer create forms.
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