Category: -Rules of Juvenile Procedure

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 1, 2021

URJP018. Summons; service of process; notice. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP020. Discovery generally. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP022.  Initial appearance and preliminary examination in cases under Utah Code section 78A–6–703.3. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP043. Evidence. Amended.  Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP046. Disposition hearing. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP047. Reviews and modification of orders. Amend.  Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP056. Expungement. Amended.  Updates statutory references and makes minor revisions to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 1, 2021

URJP009. Detention hearings; scheduling; hearing procedure. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP016. Transfer of delinquency case. Amended. Makes revisions to transferring delinquency cases between judicial districts to reflect statutory changes made by H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification.

URJP016A. Transfer of non-delinquency proceeding. New. A new rule establishing procedures for transferring non-delinquency cases between judicial districts in response to statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification.

URJP017. The petition. Amended. Updates statutory references and makes revisions to the contents to be included in a petition for termination of parental rights to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification.

URJP023A. Hearing on factors of Utah Code section 78A-6-703.3; bind over to district court. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP026. Rights of minors in delinquency proceedings. Amend. Make revisions to bring the rule in compliance with S.B. 32 Indigent Defense Act Amendments (2019); specifically Utah Code Sections 78B-22-102 and 78B-22-204 and updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP029A. Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse – Conditions of admissibility. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP029B. Hearings with remote conferencing from a different location. Amended.  Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP035. Pre-trial procedures. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 1, 2021

URJP012. Admission to shelter care. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP013. Shelter hearings. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP027. Fingerprinting, photographing, and regulating discovery; HIV testing. Amended.  Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP034. Pre-trial hearing in non-delinquency cases. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP051. Violation of probation and contempt by a minor. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective November 1, 2018

URJP011. Amended. Clarifies that a request to extend the time period for filing a petition related to a detention order shall be made specifically by motion rather than merely “a separate written request.” Eliminates outdated language regarding court forms.

URJP018. Amended. Adds the term “parents” to make the language of the rule consistent with 78A-6-109.

URJP053. Appearance and withdrawal of counsel. Amended. Clarifies standards by which both retained and court-appointed counsel may withdraw as counsel of record in juvenile court proceedings.

URJP058. Amended. Adds a reference to Chapter 37 to the statement “the court shall honor the rights and procedures accorded to victims pursuant to Title 77, Chapters 37 and 38, Victims Rights.”

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective May 1, 2018

URJP007 Amend. Warrants.  Contains revisions necessitated by new statute section 78A-6-106.5 promulgated by H.B. 239 – Juvenile Justice Amendments.

URJP015 Amend. Preliminary inquiry; informal adjustment without petition.  Contains revisions necessitated by statutory revisions to section 78A-6-602 promulgated by H.B. 239 – Juvenile Justice Amendments.

URJP016 Amend. Transfer of delinquency case for preliminary inquiry.  Contains revisions necessitated by statutory revisions to section 78A-6-602 promulgated by H.B. 239 – Juvenile Justice Amendments.  Clarifies applicability of certain rule provisions to a child (under the age of 18) and a minor (under the age of 21).

URJP023A Amend. Hearing on conditions of Section 78A-6-702.  Changes burden of proof to preponderance to bring rule into conformity with 2015 statute change.

URJP033 Amend. Preliminary orders and summary proceedings.  Deletes provisions related to the ability to place non-resident runaways into the custody of the Division of child and Family Services.

URJP037 Amend. Adds reference to the statutory provisions in Section 78A-6-1111 pertaining to limitations on the appointment of counsel for indigent parties.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective May 1, 2018

URJP014 Amend. Reception of referral, preliminary determination. Contains revisions necessitated by statutory revisions to section 78A-6-602 promulgated by H.B. 239 – Juvenile Justice Amendments.

URJP017 Amend. The petition. Contains revisions necessitated by statutory revisions to section 78A-6-602 promulgated by H.B. 239 – Juvenile Justice Amendments.

URJP034 Amend. Pretrial hearings in non-delinquency cases. Clarifies when the court may enter a default judgment.

URJP048 Amend. Post judgment motions. Renames rule from “New hearings” to “Post judgment motions” to more accurately reflect the full scope of the rule’s content. Reduces the time to file post judgment motions to 14 days from the 28 days provided by the Rules of Civil Procedure to avoid conflicts with the shorter time frames for filing expedited child welfare appeals.

Supreme Court Order


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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective November 1, 2017

URJP018 Adds language regarding the ability to serve a pleading by email on an attorney who has an email account on file with the Utah State Bar. Clarifies that eFiling in the Juvenile Court’s Court and Agency Records Exchange (C.A.R.E.) does not constitute service upon a party and that an agreement to accept email service is not required to effectuate the provisions of Rule 18.

Supreme Court Order


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