Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Civil Procedure
URCP 063. Disability or disqualification of a judge. Amend. Clarify that judge is to take no action in a case after a motion to recuse has been filed. Effective: November 1, 2006
URCP 074. Withdrawal of counsel. Amend. Requires judicial consent for withdrawal if a hearing has been set. Effective: November 1, 2006.
Supreme Court Order
Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Criminal Procedure
URCrP 29. Disability and disqualification of a judge or change of venue. Amend. Clarify that judge is to take no action in a case after a motion to recuse has been filed. Effective: November 1, 2006.
Supreme Court Order
Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Appellate Procedure
URAP 04. Appeal as of right: when taken. Amend. Creates a procedure to implement the directive in State v. Manning, 2005 UT 61, 122 P.3d 628. allowing a criminal defendant to have appeal rights reinstated, when the defendant has been deprived of the an appeal. Effective: November 1, 2006
URAP 24. Briefs. Amend. Clarifies the briefs that are to be filed and the number of pages permitted in cases involving cross-appeals. A singled brief may not exceed 50 pages, and the combined total of a party’s two briefs may not exceed 75 pages. Effective: November 1, 2006
URAP 60. Judicial bypass appeals. New. Establishes an expedited procedure by which a minor can appeal denial or dismissal of a petition to bypass parental consent to an abortion. Effective May 1, 2006. Subject to further changes after the comment period.
Supreme Court Order May 1, 2006
Supreme Court Order
Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Juvenile Procedure
URJP 16. Transfer of delinquency case for preliminary inquiry. Amend. Renumber according to Supreme Court protocol. Effective: November 1, 2006
URJP 34. Pre-trial hearing in non-delinquency cases. Amend. Technical amendment. Effective: November 1, 2006
URJP 37. Child protective orders. Amend. Technical amendment to conform to statute. Effective: November 1, 2006
URJP 60. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion. New. Establishes an expedited procedure by which a minor can petition to bypass parental consent to an abortion. The amendment shown is effective May 10, 2006. The balance of the rule is effective May 1, 2006. Subject to further changes after the comment period.
Supreme Court Order May 1, 2006
Supreme Court Order May 10, 2006
Supreme Court Order
Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Evidence
URE 0407. Subsequent remedial measures. Amend. Amend to conform to the Federal rule. Effective: November 1, 2006.
Supreme Court Order
Posted: September 11, 2006
Rules of Professional Conduct
RPC01.12. Former Judge, Arbitrator, Mediator or Other Third-Party Neutral. Amend. Amendment in conjunction with changes to RPC 2-4. Effective: November 1, 2006
RPC02.04. Lawyer Serving as Third-Party Neutral. Amend. Provides what a lawyer serving as a mediator may and must do. Effective: November 1, 2006
Supreme Court Order
Posted: July 26, 2006
Code of Judicial Administration
CJA 03-406. Budget and fiscal management. Amend. Permit greater discretion in defining budget programs. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA 03-414. Court security. Amend. Permit private security agents transporting money to be armed. Effective April 24, 2006.
CJA 04-202.08 Fees for records, information, and services. Amend. Reduces to cost per Xchange search after 200 searches from $.20 to $.10. Effective August 1, 2006. Approved as an expedited amendment under Rule 2-205. Subject to further change after the comment period.
CJA 04-404. Jury selection and service. Amend. Differentiates between excuse from jury service and postponement. Modifies the qualification process to enable qualifying on the web. Eliminates demographic information from the qualification questions. Deletes requirement that an excused juror be called in the next term. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA 06-303. Collection of fines and restitution. Amend. Corrects references from Office of Recovery Services and Department of Corrections to Office of State Debt Collection. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA 10-1-303. Parent-time enforcement mediation. New. To establish a policy regarding Expedited Parent-time Enforcement Pilot Program. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA 10-1-501. Orders to show cause. New. The rule describes the process for requesting an order to show cause in the Fifth District Court. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA 10-1-801. Fax filings. New. Prohibits most fax filings in the Eighth District Court. Effective November 1, 2006.
CJA Appx F. Record Retention Schedule. Amend. Retain search warrants not associated with a case for five years. Effective November 1, 2006.
Judicial Council Minutes.
Posted: May 2, 2006
Bypass of Parental Consent
Rule of Juvenile Procedure
URJP 60. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion. New. Establishes an expedited procedure by which a minor can petition to bypass parental consent to an abortion. Further amendments approved by the Supreme Court shown by redline effective May 10, 2006. Approved as an expedited amendment under Rule 11-101(6)(F). Subject to further change after the comment period.
Rule of Appellate Procedure
URAP 60. Judicial bypass appeals. New. Establishes an expedited procedure by which a minor can appeal denial or dismissal of a petition to bypass parental consent to an abortion. Effective May 1, 2006. Approved as an expedited amendment under Rule 11-101(6)(F). Subject to further change after the comment period.
Supreme Court Order May 1, 2006
Supreme Court Order May 10, 2006