Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0301. Court administrators. Amend. Modifies responsibilities to reflect duties.
CJA 03-0410. Automated information resource management. Amend. Modifies responsibilities to reflect duties.
CJA 04-0202.08. Fees for records, information, and services. Amend. Establishes a fee of $5.00 to email a document. Prohibits the court from emailing a document available on Xchange.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-0501. Expedited jury trial. New. Implements the pilot program as directed by HB 349 (2011) and HB 204 (2012).
CJA 04-0503. Mandatory electronic filing. New. Requires that documents in district court civil cases, excluding probate cases, be filed electronically effective April 1, 2013. Probate cases to be filed electronically effective July 1, 2013. Provides for exceptions.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

USB 14-0503. Ethics and Discipline Committee. Amend. Adds a vice chair to the Ethics and Discipline Committee and establishes a screening panel member removal process.
USB 14-0533. Diversion. Amend. Provides that OPC, as secretary to the screening panel, memorializes the diversion contract.
Supreme Court Order.
USB 14-0510. Prosecution and appeals. Amend. Allows OPC to refer matters to the Professionalism Counseling Board established pursuant to Supreme Court Standing Order No. 7. Allows OPC to appeal screening panel determinations and recommendations. Authorizes the chair of the Ethics & Discipline Committee to increase a sanction imposed by a screening panel. Provides that a judicial officer’s failure to address or report alleged attorney misconduct is not evidence that misconduct has or has not occurred. Establishes that a screening panel’s involvement in the diversion process ceases once the material terms of a diversion contract have been agreed to.
USB 14-0515. Access to disciplinary information. Amend. Allows direct communication between OPC, members of the Ethics and Discipline Committee and the Professionalism Counseling Board.
Supreme Court Order.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 06-0401. Domestic relations commissioners. Amend. Recognizes the authority of court commissioners to hear child protective order cases. Effective June 25, 2012 under Rule 2-205. Subject to change after the comment period. To comment on the proposed change, click here.
CJA 07-0102. Duties and authority of Juvenile Court Commissioners. Amend. Recognizes the authority of court commissioners to hear child protective order cases. Effective June 25, 2012 under Rule 2-205. Subject to change after the comment period. To comment on the proposed change, click here.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

Substantive and technical amendments to multiple rules to adopt the Uniform Bar Exam in Utah.
USB 14-0701. Definitions.
USB 14-0702. Board – general powers.
USB 14-0703. Qualifications for admission of Student and Foreign Law School Applicants.
USB 14-0704. Qualifications for admission of Attorney Applicants.
USB 14-0705. Admission by Motion.
USB 14-0706. Test accommodations.
USB 14-0707. Application; deadlines; withdrawals; postponements and fees.
USB 14-0708. Character and fitness.
USB 14-0709. Application denial.
USB 14-0710. Administration of the Bar Examination.
USB 14-0711. Grading and passing of the Bar Examination.
USB 14-0712. Qualifications for admission based on UBE.
USB 14-0713. MPRE.
USB 14-0714. Unsuccessful Applicants: disclosure and right of inspection.
USB 14-0715. Bar Examination appeals.
USB 14-0716. License fees; enrollment fees; oath and admission.
USB 14-0717. Readmission after resignation or disbarment of Utah attorneys.
USB 14-0718. Licensing of Foreign Legal Consultants. Renumber from 14-805 and amend.
USB 14-0719. Qualifications for admission of House Counsel Applicants. Renumber from 14-720 and amend.
USB 14-0720. Confidentiality. Renumber from 14-719 and amend.
USB 14-0805. Reserved. Reserved.
Supreme Court Order.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure

URCrP 027A. Stays pending appeal from a court not of record- appeals for a trial de novo. New. Governs the procedures for stays pending the appeal of a final decision in a justice court. Does not apply to DUI cases. Includes circumstances in which a stay may be denied. Sets forth the conditions that a justice court may impose as a part of the stay. Effective on the same day as S.B. 214, the legislation that prompted this rule. Effective May 7, 2012 under Rule 11-105(5). Subject to change after the comment period. To comment on this rule, click here.
URCrP 027B. Stays pending appeal from a court not of record- hearings de novo, DUI, and reckless driving cases. Renumber Rule 27A and amend. Applies in DUI cases and appeals of hearings de novo. Contains essentially the same criteria that existed in previous Rule 27A. Effective on the same day as S.B. 214, the legislation that prompted this rule. Effective May 7, 2012 under Rule 11-105(5). Subject to change after the comment period.To comment on this rule, click here.
Supreme Court Order.
URCrP 027A. Stays pending appeal from a court not of record- appeals for a trial de novo. New. Governs the procedures for stays pending the appeal of a final decision in a justice court. Does not apply to DUI cases. Includes circumstances in which a stay may be denied. Sets forth the conditions that a justice court may impose as a part of the stay. Effective on the same day as S.B. 214.
URCrP 027B. Stays pending appeal from a court not of record- hearings de novo, DUI, and reckless driving cases. Renumber Rule 27A and amend. Applies in DUI cases and appeals of hearings de novo. Contains essentially the same criteria that existed in previous Rule 27A. Effective on the same day as S.B. 214.
Supreme Court Order.

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

USB 14-0504. OPC counsel. Amend. Prohibits OPC from prosecuting a lawyer for an act expressly authorized by an ethics advisory opinion. Provides that a court is not bound by an the interpretation of an ethics advisory opinion. Permits OPC to request that the ethics advisory opinion committee review, modify or withdraw an ethics advisory opinion. Permits OPC to request that the supreme court review, affirm, reverse or modify an ethics advisory opinion.
Supreme Court Order.

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Rules of Appellate Procedure

URAP 004. Appeal as of right: when taken. Amend. The amendment deletes the paragraph on notices of appeal filed by inmates, which provision is moved to Rule 21. The amendment also clarifies the time for filing a cross-appeal. The time begins from the date that the notice of appeal is docketed, rather than filed.
URAP 021. Filing and service. Amend. The amendment includes the provisions on filing notices of appeal by inmates. The amendments also clarify where filings are to be made and when filing is deemed accomplished.
Supreme Court Order
URAP 038A. Withdrawal of counsel. Amend. Places the burden on opposing counsel to file the notice to appoint or appear when an attorney withdraws from a case. This will make the practice similar to the practice in trial courts.
Supreme Court Order

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