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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 02-0204. Local supplemental rules. Amend. Modifies the process by which local rules are approved.
CJA 04-0202.01. Definitions. Amend. Excludes from the definition of a “record” documents prepared or received by a person in the person’s private capacity and documents that do not relate to the public’s business.
CJA 04-0202.02. Records classification. Amend. Removes investigative subpoenas from the list of protected records. Section 77-22-2 will regulate access to investigative subpoenas. Changes the classification of PSI reports from private to protected. Designates additional circumstances in which the name of a minor is public. Classifies as “protected” records subject to the attorney client privilege.
CJA 04-0202.03. Records access. Amend. Clarifies who has access to a private or a protected court record.
CJA 04-0202.05. Request to access an administrative record; research; request to classify an administrative record; request to create an index. Amend. Permits releasing non-public records for research purposes if the interests favoring the research are greater than or equal to the interests favoring closure.
CJA 04-0401.01. Electronic media coverage of court proceedings. New. Replaces Rule 4-401. Permits electronic media coverage of any public court hearing. Describes application and approval process. Establishes factors for denying electronic media coverage. Describes limits.
CJA 04-0401.02. Possession and use of portable electronic devices. New. Permits possession and use of portable electronic devices in courthouses. Allows judge to restrict use in courtrooms.
CJA 04-0405. Juror and witness fees and expenses. Amend. Requires prosecutors to certify to the number of miles for which a witness is entitled to payment.
CJA 04-0409. Council approval of Problem Solving Courts. Amend. Regulates ex parte communication in problem solving courts, as recognized by the Code of Judicial Conduct and consistent with the signed agreement. Removes from the rule several justice courts no longer running DUI courts.
CJA 04-0503. Mandatory electronic filing. Amend. Requires the electronic filer to use a personal identity with an e-filing interface, rather than someone else’s.
CJA 04-0508. Guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees. New. Establishes guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees. Requires use of court-approved forms.
CJA 11-0201. Senior judges. Amend. Removes reference to the Judicial Council’s attorney survey for certification of senior judges.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 03-0202. Court referees prohibited. Amend. In conjunction with Rule 4-704, prohibits courts from appointing court referees by whatever title, and permits clerks, under the direction of the judge and with the consent of the prosecutor and defendant, to resolve select cases to a determined outcome using a plea in abeyance process.
CJA 04-0502. Expedited procedures for resolving discovery issues. Renumber CJA 10-1-306 and amend. Repeal CJA 10-1-201 and CJA 10-1-406. Describes a process for resolving discovery disputes quickly to minimize the impact on time to complete discovery.
CJA 04-0704. Authority of court clerks. Amend. Permits clerks, under the direction of the judge and with the consent of the prosecutor and defendant, to resolve select cases to a determined outcome using a plea in abeyance process.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 01-0204. Executive committees. Amend. Gives the Management Committee the authority to hear procurement protest appeals.Effective November 19, 2012 under Rule 2-205. Subject to change after the comment period. To submit a comment about this rule, click here.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure

URCrP 007. Proceedings before magistrate. Amend. Creates a process for review by the court when someone is arrested on a material witness warrant.
URCrP 029. Disability and disqualification of a judge or change of venue. Amend. Clarifies that a request to submit for decision is not required on a motion to disqualify. The amendment also states that other parties may not file a response to the motion.
Supreme Court Order.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 020A. Discovery in non-delinquency proceedings. Amend. Changes comport with the new civil discovery rules and to clarify that the Rule of Civil Procedure regarding subpoenas applies generally in juvenile court and is not limited to depositions on oral questions.
URJP 023. Hearing to waive jurisdiction and certify under Section 78A-6-703; bind over to district court. Amend. Technical change.
URJP 023A. Hearing on conditions of Section 78A-6-702; bind over to district court. Amend. Technical change.
Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Civil Procedure

URCP 025. Substitution of parties. Amend. Clarifies that the notice of hearing on a motion to substitute parties must be served with the motion if the hearing has been scheduled by the time the motion is served.
Supreme Court Order.
URCP 083. Vexatious litigants. New. Establishes the standards and procedures for declaring a person to be a vexatious litigant. Establishes management of cases involving vexatious litigants.
Supreme Court Order.

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