Rules of Civil Procedure – New Effective Date of November 1, 2019

The Utah Supreme Court has adopted a new effective date of November 1, 2019 for the following rule. The rule was formerly effective May 1, 2019. The November date will accommodate programming changes necessary to effectuate the rule’s purposes.

URCP109. Injunction in certain domestic relations cases. New. Provides that in certain domestic relations cases, an injunction will enter upon the filing of the case. Its provisions address areas such as disposing of property, disturbing the peace of the other party, committing domestic violence, using the other party’s identification to obtain credit, interfering with telephone or utility service, modifying insurance, and behavior around the minor children. The injunction is binding on the petitioner upon filing the initial petition and on the respondent after the filing of the initial petition and upon receipt of a signed copy of the injunction as entered by the court.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules Governing Licensed Paralegal Practitioner – Effective January 16, 2019

Client – LLP Relationship

The amendments to the comments are to remove references to an organization as a client because an LPP may not represent an organization as a client.

URGLPP1.04. Communication.

URGLPP1.06. Confidentiality of information.

URGLPP1.07. Conflict of interest: current clients.

URGLPP1.08. Conflict of interest: current clients: specific rules.

URGLPP1.09. Duties to former clients.

URGLPP1.017. Sale of licensed paralegal practice.

URGLPP7.02. Advertising.

URGLPP7.03. Solicitation of clients.

Supreme Court Order

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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective January 28, 2019

CJA04-0409. Council approval of Problem Solving Courts.
AMEND. Removes certification criteria from Rule 4-409 and adds those items to the Judicial Council’s problem solving court certification checklist.  Clarifies and provided greater detail regarding the Judicial Council’s problem solving court certification process.  Makes miscellaneous stylistic changes and minor non-substantive revisions.

Judicial Council Order

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Rules of Civil Procedure – Effective May 1, 2019

URCP005. Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. Amend. Paragraph (b)(3)(B) is amended to remove the requirement that a person must agree to accept service by email in order to be served by email. If a person provides an email address pursuant to Rule 10(a)(3) or Rule 76, the person may be served Rule 5 papers at that address.

URCP109. Injunction in certain domestic relations cases. New. Provides that in certain domestic relations cases, an injunction will enter upon the filing of the case. Its provisions address areas such as disposing of property, disturbing the peace of the other party, committing domestic violence, using the other party’s identification to obtain credit, interfering with telephone or utility service, modifying insurance, and behavior around the minor children. The injunction is binding on the petitioner upon filing the initial petition and on the respondent after the filing of the initial petition and upon receipt of a signed copy of the injunction as entered by the court.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Professional Conduct – Effective December 19, 2018

RPC07.05.  Firm Names and Letterheads. Amend. Comment [1] is amended to conform to current practice, which is to allow the inclusion of both retired and deceased partners’ names in firm names if there has been a continuing succession in the firm’s identity such that the firm name has become a trade name.

RPC08.04. Misconduct. Amend. Comment [1a] is amended in response to In re Discipline of Steffensen, 2018 UT 53, Footnote 7, to eliminate confusion as to what sanctions may be applicable for a violation of Rule 8.4. The comment now provides that an act of professional misconduct under Rule 8.4(b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) cannot be counted as a separate violation of Rule 8.4(a) for the purpose of determining sanctions. Conduct that violates other Rules of Professional Conduct, however, may be a violation of Rule 8.4(a) for the purpose of determining sanctions.

Supreme Court Order

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