Rules of Civil Procedure – Effective November 1, 2021

URCP024. Intervention. AMEND. Under the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), an Indian Tribe is permitted to intervene in a child custody proceeding involving an Indian child. These cases arise in both district and juvenile court. Amendments to Rule 24, which track those already adopted in Juvenile Rule 50, allow the adoption of a uniform approach to ICWA in both juvenile and district court.

URCP062. Stay of proceedings to enforce a judgment or order. AMEND. Among other amendments intended to streamline and improve Rule 62’s efficacy, the amendments extend the time for an automatic stay from 14 days to 28 days and provide that a party may obtain a stay of the enforcement of a judgment or order to pay money by providing a bond or other security.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 27, 2021

URJP005. Definitions. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021) and updated the definition of “ungovernability” to align with H.B. 285.

URJP007. Warrants. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modified the language in subsection (b)(6) regarding runaway minors to align with H.B. 285, added a statutory reference to the authority a probation officer has to take into custody a minor who violates a condition of probation, and clarified that “custody” is “temporary custody.”

URJP050. Presence at hearings. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modified the language in subsection (f) to conform with proposed changes the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure made to Civil Rule 24 involving tribal intervention and participation in Indian Child Welfare Act cases.

URJP060. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective November 1, 2021

CJA01-0205. Standing and ad hoc committees (AMEND)

The approved amendments changed the membership of the Standing Committee on Pretrial Release and Supervision.

CJA03-0415. Auditing (AMEND)

The approved amendments more clearly define the types of audits conducted by the Audit Department, clarify audit procedures, and identify the individuals involved at critical points.

CJA03-0419. Office of Fairness and Accountability (NEW)

Identifies the objectives of the Office of Fairness and Accountability and the duties of the Director of the Office of Fairness and Accountability.

CJA04-0206. Exhibits (AMEND)

The approved amendments address custody, disposal, and storage of physical and electronic evidence.

CJA04-0401.02. Possession and use of portable electronic devices (AMEND)

The approved amendments allow JPEC to continue to use recordings to evaluate the performance of justice court judges subject to a basic evaluation.

CJA07-0302. Court reports prepared for delinquency cases (AMEND)

The Sentencing Commission released a new Juvenile Disposition Guide that does not provide specific recommendations for disposition, only factors that should be considered. The approved amendments align the rule with the statute regarding probation’s role in victim restitution (78A-6-117(j)(ix-x)) and the new Juvenile Disposition Guidelines.

Judicial Council Order

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Rules Governing the Utah State Bar – Effective November 1, 2021

USB14-0802. Authorization to practice law. Amend. The rule will now allow an LPP to stand or sit with their client during a proceeding to provide emotional support, answer factual questions as needed that are addressed to the client by the court or opposing counsel, take notes, and assist the client to understand the proceeding and relevant orders. This amendment differs from what circulated for comment by clarifying and limiting the scope of the LPP’s assistance at counsel table.

Supreme Court Order

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