Month: May 2021

Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 1, 2021

URJP012. Admission to shelter care. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP013. Shelter hearings. Amended. Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP027. Fingerprinting, photographing, and regulating discovery; HIV testing. Amended.  Updates statutory references to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP034. Pre-trial hearing in non-delinquency cases. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

URJP051. Violation of probation and contempt by a minor. Amended. Updates statutory reference to reflect statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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