Category: -Rules of Juvenile Procedure

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 1, 2022

URJP007. Warrants. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 248. Allows counsel for the Division of Child and Family Services to file an ex parte motion to vacate a warrant issued pursuant to Utah Code section 80-2a-202. Changes the text style of “ex parte” in subsection (h) from italic text to standard text to make it consistent with other rules.

URJP012. Admission to shelter care. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 248.

URJP013. Shelter hearings. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 248.

URJP014. Reception of referral; preliminary determination. Amend. Updates statutory references affected by H.B. 248.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective May 18, 2022

URJP025. Pleas. Amend. Modifies paragraph (a) and adds statutory reference to Utah Code section 80-6-306. Adds reference to the rule itself. Deletes paragraph (d) to remove language contained in Utah Code section 80-6-306. Details the procedure for how delayed admissions under Utah Code section 80-6-306 will be resolved.

URJP060. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to abortion. Amend. Qualifies that the time frame in subsection (d) is three calendar days or two business days, whichever is longer.

Supreme Court Order

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective January 19, 2022

URJP027A. Admissibility of statements given by a child. Amended. Reflects statutory changes made by H.B. 178 Juvenile Interrogation Amendments (2021) and H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021).

URJP037. Child protective orders. Amended. Revised rule to comply with S.B. 32 Indigent Defense Act Amendments (2019). Clarifiethat child protective order proceedings are governed by Title 78B, Chapter 7, Part 1 General Provisions, and Part 2 Child Protective Orders. Changed the time frame for holding a hearing after granting an ex party child protective order to align with statutory changes in H.B. 255 Protective Order Revisions (2021).

URJP045. Dispositional Reports. Amended. Updated rule to reflect current terminology regarding dispositional reports in delinquency and abuse, neglect, and dependency cases and statutory changes contained in H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Clarified that a juvenile judge shall not shall not view or consider a dispositional report in delinquency cases prior to adjudication since the dispositional report is typically uploaded to juvenile court’s record management system prior to the disposition hearing. Updated the timeframe for providing a dispositional report in delinquency cases to allow attorneys sufficient time to review the report with their minor client.

URJP055. Transfer of minors who present a danger in detention. Repealed. Rule 55 is repealed because procedures governing minors in detention are contained in Title 80, Chapter 6, Juvenile Justice.

Supreme Court Order – Corrected

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure – Effective September 27, 2021

URJP005. Definitions. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021) and updated the definition of “ungovernability” to align with H.B. 285.

URJP007. Warrants. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modified the language in subsection (b)(6) regarding runaway minors to align with H.B. 285, added a statutory reference to the authority a probation officer has to take into custody a minor who violates a condition of probation, and clarified that “custody” is “temporary custody.”

URJP050. Presence at hearings. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021). Modified the language in subsection (f) to conform with proposed changes the Advisory Committee on the Rules of Civil Procedure made to Civil Rule 24 involving tribal intervention and participation in Indian Child Welfare Act cases.

URJP060. Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion. Amended. Updated statutory references affected by H.B. 285 Juvenile Code Recodification (2021).

Supreme Court Order

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