Rules Governing the Utah State Bar

USB 14-0515. Access to disciplinary information. Amend. Allows access to disciplinary records without the waiver of the respondent in limited circumstances. Requires that those with access maintain the confidentiality of the records. Effective November 25, 2015 under Rule 11-105. Subject to change after the comment period.

Supreme Court Order.

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Rules of Juvenile Procedure

URJP 058. Victim rights. Amend. Requires the filing party or individual to redact all safeguarded victim information prior to filing a document for review by the judge and to certify that the information has been redacted. Makes an exception for information required by law in child welfare proceedings.
Supreme Court Order.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-0202.02. Records classification. Amend. Classifies appellate filings, including briefs, as public. Classifies records maintained and prepared by juvenile probation, except for those filed with the court, as protected.
CJA 04-0202.03. Records access. Amend. Provides that a person given access to a record in order for juvenile probation to fulfill a probation responsibility may access a safeguarded record.
CJA 04-0901. Mandatory electronic filing in juvenile court. New. Requires that pleadings and other papers filed in existing juvenile court cases on or after December 1, 2015 shall be filed electronically in C.A.R.E. Requires that pleadings and other papers filed to initiate juvenile court cases on or after August 1, 2016 shall be filed electronically in C.A.R.E.
October Judicial Council Minutes.

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Code of Judicial Administration

CJA 04-0905. Restraint of minors in juvenile court. New. Provides for the proper restraint of minors in juvenile court proceedings. Provides that ex parte communications related to restraint are not prohibited, but that the judge or commissioner shall notify all parties of the communication as soon as possible and give them an opportunity to respond. Effective October 1, 2015 under rule 2-205 of the Utah Code of Judicial Administration.
September Judicial Council Minutes.

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Rules of Criminal Procedure – Effective November 1, 2015

URCrP002 Time. Amend. Changes the way time will be computed, marking time in calendar days, rather than business days. Includes a provision for counting times stated in hours.
URCrP004 Prosecution of public offenses. Amend. Requires prosecutors to list the citation number on an information if a citation was previously issued in the case in order to ensure that cases can be consolidated when they are electronically filed. Makes technical changes.
URCrP012 Motions. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP014 Subpoena. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP016 Discovery. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP017 The trial. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP021A Presentence investigation reports; Restitution. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP022 Sentence, judgment and commitment. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP024 Motion for new trial. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP026 Written orders, judgments and decrees. Amend. Requires the court to prepare the final judgment and sentence. Requires litigants to submit motions and orders as separate documents. Makes technical changes.
URCrP027 Stays of sentence pending appeals from courts of record. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP027B Stays pending appeal from a court not of record – hearings de novo, DUI, and reckless driving cases. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP028 Disposition after appeal. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP029 Disability and disqualification of a judge or change of venue. Amend. Establishes a process for change of venue in justice courts. Clarifies the change of venue process in courts of record. Makes technical changes.
URCrP029A Change of judge as a matter of right. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
URCrP038 Appeals from justice court to district court. Amend. Conforms the computation of time to the approach of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure. Deadlines of 30 days or less in several rules will be modified to a uniform 7/14/21/28 days.
Supreme Court Order

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