Month: March 2022

Rules of Appellate Procedure – Effective May 1, 2022

URAP025. Amicus curiae briefs. Amend.  Amended rule to: (1) modify the language throughout to rule to mirror the federal rule; (2) incorporate the language from Rule 50 regarding amicus curiae briefs; (3) allow an amicus curiae brief to be filed without leave of court if all parties have consented to its filing; (4) provide a word count length requirement; (5) change the due date from 21 days to 14 days in 25(d); (6) add language in 25(g) addressing responsive briefs; (7) change the due date from 14 days to 7 days in 25(a); and (8) clean up other language for clarity and consistency.

URAP050. Response; reply. Amend. Amended rule to: (1) remove all mention of amicus curiae briefs and incorporate that language into Rule 25; (2) replace the phrase “subject index” with “table of contents” in 50(b); (3) change the due date from 14 days to 7 days in 50(d); (4) incorporate Standing Order 11; and (5) clean up other language for clarity and consistency.

Supreme Court Order

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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective May 1, 2022

CJA01-0205. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees (AMEND). Creates a Standing Committee on Fairness and Accountability. Amends the membership of the Committee on Resources for Self-represented Parties, the Committee on Model Utah Criminal Jury Instructions, and the Committee on Court Forms.

CJA02-0103. Open and closed meetings (AMEND). Removes the requirement that the AOC send a separate notification to a newspaper of general circulation when the Judicial Council meeting agendas are posted on the Utah Public Notice Website. Clarifies that a Judicial Council meeting may be closed for discussions regarding legal advice of counsel.

CJA04-0302. Recommended Uniform Fine Schedule. (AMEND). In May 2020, the Management Committee approved changing the name of the committee from “Recommended Uniform Fine Schedule Committee” to “Recommended Uniform Fine Committee,” but the name wasn’t amended in the rule. The proposed amendment simply reflects the approved name change.

Judicial Council Order

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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective March 11, 2022

CJA03-0407. Accounting. (AMEND). The amendments to the rule address the following items:

1. Incorporate the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee (BFMC) into Rule 3-407 as an approval body for accounting manual updates. The original version of Rule 3-407 predated the creation of the BFMC.

2. Elevate and document the role of the clerks of court as reviewers and approvers of new and amended accounting manual policies, post review by the Accounting Manual Review Committee but before the BFMC. The clerks of court are performing this role today, the proposed amendment would simply incorporate current practice into policy. This change has been endorsed by Shane Bahr and Neira Siaperas.

3. Eliminate the court services representative on the Accounting Manual Review Committee as the elevation of the review by all clerks of court will more comprehensively address any role played by the old court services area which has been integrated into IT.

Judicial Council Order

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