Month: May 2020

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Code of Judicial Administration – Effective May 1, 2020

CJA01-0204. Executive Committees (AMEND). The Judicial Council formalized a new executive committee, the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee. Proposed amendments add the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee to the executive committee list, and define the Committee’s duties.

CJA03-0406. Budget and Fiscal Management (AMEND). The proposed amendments reflect the Judicial Council’s policy change regarding its budget process.

CJA01-0205. Standing and Ad Hoc Committees (AMEND). The Judicial Council’s Standing Committee on the Online Court Assistance Program (OCAP) no longer exists. Proposed amendments remove the OCAP member positions from the Committee on Resources for Self-Represented Parties and the Committee on Court Forms.

CJA03-0111. Performance Evaluation of Active Senior Judges and Court Commissioners (AMEND). The reporting standards for active judges versus senior judges and commissioners were different. Utah Code 78A-2-223 sets a standard of two months for trial judges. For consistency, the proposed amendments change the standard for senior judges and commissioners from “60 days” to “two months.”

CJA04-0905. CJA 4-905. Restraint of Minors in Juvenile Court (AMEND). The proposed amendment eliminates the subsection of the referenced statute to avoid outdated citations in the future.

CJA10-01-202. Verifying Use of Jury (REPEALED). The Second District Court requested that local supplemental rule CJA 10-1-202 be repealed because it is no longer needed. The Second District follows practices set forth in general rules observed by all other judicial districts.

CJA Appendix F. Utah State Court Records Retention Schedule. Eliminates the requirement that the enhancement forms previously required under Rule 9-301 be retained permanently.  Because Rule 9-301 was repealed, those records should now be destroyed at the same time as the file to which the record pertains. Changes the retention for domestic violence cases to ten years to reflect the change in statute that makes those offenses enhanceable for ten years.

Judicial Council Order

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