Box Elder County, Utah—Applications are being accepted for a justice court judge position that will serve Box Elder County, Utah. The successful candidate will replace Judge Kevin Christensen who has resigned his position.

To be considered for a justice court judgeship in Box Elder County, candidates must be at least 25 years of age, a citizen of the United States, a Utah resident for at least three years, and have a degree from a law school that would make one eligible to apply for admission to a bar in any state in the United States. In addition, applicants must be a resident of Box Elder County or an adjacent county either upon appointment or before taking the bench.

Information on judicial retention and performance evaluation is posted on the Utah State Court’s website at www.utcourts.gov under employment opportunities. An application for judicial office form must be completed and is available on the court’s website (https://legacy.utcourts.gov/employment). The salary range for the position is $153,475 to  $197,325 per year. Box Elder County offers additional employment benefits related to insurance, health and wellness, 401k contributions of 3%, and URS pension. For additional information about working for Box Elder County, email Jenica Stander, the Human Resources Director for Box Elder County, at jstander@boxeldercountyut.gov or call her at (435) 734-3364.

The deadline for applications is Monday, April 14, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Applications cannot be submitted after the deadline. For questions about the justice courts or the process for filling this  position, email Jim Peters, Justice Court Administrator, at jamesp@utcourts.gov.

Utah law requires the Judicial Nominating Commission to submit at least three nominees to the Box Elder County Commission within 45 days of its first meeting. The Commission will then have 30 days in which to select a finalist. Its selection must then be certified by the Utah Judicial Council.

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Utah Courts

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