Creation: The Task Force on Justice Court Reform was created by the Utah Supreme Court and the Utah Judicial Council in December 2019 following completion of a multi-year internal analysis. While the Supreme Court initially was interested in evaluating the de novo appeals process, it quickly became apparent that any changes would affect other aspects of the judicial system. As such, it determined that a full evaluation by a broad group of stakeholders would be the best avenue for addressing any reforms.
Purpose: The Task Force has been tasked with evaluating all aspects of the current justice court system, including structure, organization, procedures and practices, including appeals (which could affect other court levels) and making recommendations for improvement and reform. The Task Force itself will define its own scope of work.
Duration: The Task Force met for the first time in May 2020. It is anticipated that it will conclude its work within 12 to 18 months.
Deliverables: It is anticipated that the Task Force will produce a report to the Utah Judicial Council and the Utah Supreme Court making recommendations regarding the structure, organization, procedures and practices of the justice courts and identifying statutes, rules or constitutional provisions that would need to be amended to implement the recommendations of the report.