Utah Courts
UCJA Rule 2-208 (Code of Judicial Administration)
UCJA Rule 2-208 (Code of Judicial Administration)
Rule 2-208. Publication and Distribution.
Rule printed on February 14, 2025 at 1:29 pm. Go to https://www.utcourts.gov/rules for current rules.
Effective: 5/1/2019
To establish this Code as the official publication of all rules governing the administration of the judiciary.
This rule shall apply to the judiciary.
Statement of the Rule:
(1) All rules of the Council, the Boards, and the local courts, as amended, shall be published in this Code.
(2) The administrative office and all court executives shall, upon request:
(2)(A) direct any individual to the online publication of this Code on the court website; and
(2)(B) provide access to this Code during business hours.
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