Judicial Council Code of Judicial Administration
Chapter 1 Judicial Council Organization.
Article 1. General Provisions
- Rule 1-101 General definitions - Rules of construction.
- Rule 1-102 Role and objectives of the Council.
Article 2. Judicial Council Organization
- Rule 1-201 Judicial Council Membership - Election.
- Rule 1-202 Officers - Secretariat.
- Rule 1-203 Responsibilities of the presiding officer.
- Rule 1-204 Executive committees.
- Rule 1-205 Standing and ad hoc committees.
Article 3. Boards of Judges
- Rule 1-301 Established - Composition.
- Rule 1-302 Board of Judges Membership - Officers - Secretariat.
- Rule 1-303 Internal procedures and organization.
- Rule 1-304 General authority and duties.
- Rule 1-305 Board of Senior Judges.
Chapter 2 Judicial Council Procedure.
Article 1.Council Meetings
- Rule 2-101 Rules for the conduct of Council meetings.
- Rule 2-102 Council agenda.
- Rule 2-103 Open and closed Council meetings.
- Rule 2-104 Minutes of Council meetings.
- Rule 2-105 Referral to committee or Board.
- Rule 2-106-01 REPEALED.
- Rule 2-106-02 REPEALED.
- Rule 2-106-03 REPEALED.
- Rule 2-106-04 REPEALED.
- Rule 2-106-05 REPEALED.
Article 2. Rulemaking Procedure
- Rule 2-201 Purpose of rules and resolutions.
- Rule 2-202 Format for rules.
- Rule 2-203 Forty-five day comment period.
- Rule 2-204 Local supplemental rules.
- Rule 2-205 Expedited rulemaking procedure.
- Rule 2-206 Effective date of rules.
- Rule 2-207 Annual rulemaking and review of the Code.
- Rule 2-208 Publication and distribution.
- Rule 2-209 Suspension of procedures.
- Rule 2-210 Failure to comply with procedures.
- Rule 2-211 Compliance with the Code of Judicial Administration and the Code of Judicial Conduct.
- Rule 2-212 Communication with the Rules Review and General Oversight Committee.
Chapter 3 Administration of the Judiciary.
Article 1. Judicial Office
- Rule 3-101 Judicial performance standards.
- Rule 3-102 Assumption of judicial office.
- Rule 3-103 Administrative role of judges.
- Rule 3-104 Presiding judges.
- Rule 3-105 Administration of the Judiciary.
- Rule 3-106 Legislative activities.
- Rule 3-107 Executive branch policy initiatives.
- Rule 3-108 Judicial assistance.
- Rule 3-109 Ethics Advisory Committee.
- Rule 3-110 Repealed and replaced with 2-106.01 through 2-106.05.
- Rule 3-111 Performance evaluation of court commissioners.
- Rule 3-111-01 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-111-02 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-111-03 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-111-04 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-111-05 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-111-06 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-112 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-113 Senior judges.
- Rule 3-114 Judicial outreach.
- Rule 3-115 Committee on resources for self-represented parties.
- Rule 3-116 Pretrial Release and Supervision Committee.
- Rule 3-117 Committee on Court Forms
Article 2. Quasi-Judicial Officers
- Rule 3-201 Court commissioners.
- Rule 3-201.02 Court Commissioner Conduct Committee.
- Rule 3-201.6 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-202 Court referees prohibited.
Article 3.Non-Judicial Officers
- Rule 3-301 Court administrators.
- Rule 3-301.01 State Court Administrator - Complaints and Performance Review; Complaints Regarding Judicial Officers and State Court Employees.
- Rule 3-302 Clerk of the Court.
- Rule 3-303 Justice court clerks.
- Rule 3-304 RENUMBERED AS Rule 5-203
- Rule 3-304.01 REPEALED
- Rule 3-305 RENUMBERED AS Rule 5-202
- Rule 3-306 REPEALED
- Rule 3-306.01 Language access definitions.
- Rules 3-306.02 Language Access Committee.
- Rule 3-306.03 Interpreter credentialing.
- Rule 3-306.04 Interpreter appointment, payment, and fees.
- Rule 3-306.05 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-307 Court notaries.
Article 4. Administrative Services
- Rule 3-401 Office of General Counsel.
- Rule 3-402 Human resources administration.
- Rule 3-403 Judicial branch education.
- Rule 3-404 Public information program.
- Rule 3-405 Contract management.
- Rule 3-406 Budget and fiscal management.
- Rule 3-407 Accounting.
- Rule 3-408 Inventory.
- Rule 3-409 Court facilities planning.
- Rule 3-410 Automated information resource management.
- Rule 3-411 Grant management.
- Rule 3-412 Procurement of goods and services.
- Rule 3-413 Judicial library resources.
- Rule 3-414 Court security.
- Rule 3-415 Auditing.
- Rule 3-416 REPEALED.
- Rule 3-417 Administrative resolution of complaints filed pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Rule 3-418 Model Utah Jury Instructions.
- Rule 3-419 Office of Fairness and Accountability.
- Rule 3-420 Committee on Fairness and Accountability.
- Rule 3-421 Working Interdisciplinary Network of Guardianship Stakeholders (WINGS).
- Rule 3-422 Tribal Liaison Committee.
Article 5. Judicial Personnel Policies
- Rule 3-501 Insurance benefits upon retirement.
- Rule 3-502 Insurance benefits for surviving spouses and dependent children of deceased justices, judges, and commissioners.
- Rule 3-503 REPEALED.
Chapter 4 Operation of the Courts.
Article 1. Calendar Management
- Rule 4-101. Manner of appearance.
- Rule 4-102. REPEALED
- Rule 4-103. Civil calendar management.
- Rule 4-104. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-105. Designation of arraignment area as courtroom.
- Rule 4-106. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-107. REPEALED
- Rule 4-108. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-109. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-110. Transfer of juvenile cases from district and justice courts to the juvenile court.
- Rule 4-111. Priority of post-conviction petitions in capital cases
Article 2. Court Records, Exhibits and Files
- Rule 4-201. Record of proceedings.
- Rule 4-202. Purpose.
- Rule 4-202.01. Definitions.
- Rule 4-202.02. Records classification.
- Rule 4-202.03. Records access.
- Rule 4-202.04. Request to access a record associated with a case; request to classify a record associated with a case.
- Rule 4-202.05. Request to access an administrative record; research; request to classify an administrative record; request to create an index.
- Rule 4-202.06. Response to request to access or classify a court record.
- Rule 4-202.07. Appeals
- Rule 4-202.08. Fees for records, information, and services.
- Rule 4-202.09. Miscellaneous.
- Rule 4-202.10. Record Sharing.
- Rule 4-202.11. Vexatious record requester
- Rule 4-202.12. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-203. Designating a case as historically significant.
- Rule 4-204. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-205. Security of court records.
- Rule 4-206. Exhibits.
- Rule 4-207. REPEALED
- Rule 4-208. Automated case processing procedures.
Article 3. Court Fees
- Rule 4-301. Trust Accounts.
- Rule 4-302. Recommended uniform fine schedule.
- Rule 4-303. Assessment and collection of filing fees in civil cases commenced by the state, its agencies, or political subdivisions.
- Rule 4-304. Assessment and collection of filing fees in matters not commenced by the filing of a complaint or petition.
- Rule 4-305. REPEALED.
Article 4. Internal Court Operations
- Rule 4-401. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-401.01. Electronic media coverage of court proceedings.
- Rule 4-401.02. Possession and use of portable electronic devices.
- Rule 4-401.03. Notice to public of recording.
- Rule 4-402. Clerical resources.
- Rule 4-403. Electronic signature and signature stamp use.
- Rule 4-404. Jury selection and service.
- Rule 4-405. Juror and witness fees and expenses.
- Rule 4-406. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-407. REPEALED.
- Rule 4-408. Locations of trial courts of record.
- Rule 4-408.01. Responsibility for administration of trial courts.
- Rule 4-409. Council approval of Problem Solving Courts.
- Rule 4-410. Courthouse closure.
- Rule 4-411. Courthouse attire.
Article 5. Civil Practice
- Rule 4-501. REPEALED
- Rule 4-502. REPEALED
- Rule 4-503. Mandatory electronic filing.
- Rule 4-504. REPEALED
- Rule 4-505. REPEALED
- Rule 4-505.01. REPEALED
- Rule 4-506. REPEALED
- Rule 4-507. REPEALED
- Rule 4-508. Guidelines for ruling on a motion to waive fees.
- Rule 4-509. Court-appointed parent coordinator.
- Rule 4-510. REPEALED
- Rule 4-510.01 Alternative dispute resolution definitions
- Rule 4-510.02 Responsibilities of the Director and Administrative Office of the Courts.
- Rule 4-510.03 Qualification of ADR providers.
- Rule 4-510.04 ADR training.
- Rule 4-510.05 Referral of civil actions.
- Rule 4-510.06 Cases exempt from ADR rules.
Article 6. Criminal Practice
- Rule 4-601. REPEALED
- Rule 4-602. REPEALED
- Rule 4-603. Mandatory electronic filing.
- Rule 4-604. REPEALED
- Rule 4-605. REPEALED
- Rule 4-606. REPEALED
- Rule 4-607. REPEALED
- Rule 4-608. REPEALED
- Rule 4-609. Procedure for obtaining fingerprints and Offense Tracking Numbers on defendants who have not been booked in jail.
- Rule 4-610. Appointment of justice court judges to preside at first appearances, preliminary hearings and arraignments in felony cases.
- Rule 4-611. REPEALED
- Rule 4-612. REPEALED
- Rule 4-613. Jail prisoner transportation.
Article 7. Parking, Traffic and Infraction Cases
- Rule 4-701. Failure to appear.
- Rule 4-702. Electronic citations required.
- Rule 4-703. Outstanding citations and warrants.
- Rule 4-704. Authority of court clerks.
- Rule 4-705. Juvenile traffic and parking offenses.
Article 8. Small Claims Practice
- Rule 4-801. Filing small claims cases.
- Rule 4-802. REPEALED
- Rule 4-803. REPEALED
Article 9. Domestic Relations and Juvenile Practice
- Rule 4-901. Mandatory electronic filing in juvenile court.
- Rule 4-902. Limited scope investigation of domestic issues.
- Rule 4-903. Uniform custody evaluations.
- Rule 4-904. Informal trial of support, custody and parent-time.
- Rule 4-905. Restraint of minors in juvenile court.
- Rule 4-906. Guardian ad litem program.
- Rule 4-907. Parenting and divorce orientation courses.
- Rule 4-908. Committee on Children and Family Law.
- Rule 4-909. REPEALED
- Rule 4-910. REPEALED
- Rule 4-911. REPEALED
- Rule 4-912. REPEALED
- Rule 4-913. REPEALED
Chapter 5 Appellate Court Operations.
Article 1. General.
Article 2. Court Operations
- Rule 5-201 Requests for enlargement of time by court reporters and court transcribers.
- Rule 5-202 Official court transcribers.
- Rule 5-203 Transcript format.
Chapter 6 District Court Operations.
Article 1. General
- Rule 6-101 The Board of District Court Judges.
- Rule 6-102 Election of District Court judges to the Judicial Council.
- Rule 6-103 District court tax judges.
- Rule 6-104 District court water judges
Article 2. Civil
Article 3. Criminal
- Rule 6-301 Authority of court commissioner as magistrate.
- Rule 6-302 REPEALED
- Rule 6-303 Collection of fines and restitution.
- Rule 6-304 Grand jury panel.
Article 4. Domestic Relations
- Rule 6-401 Domestic relations commissioners.
- Rule 6-402 Records in domestic relations cases.
- Rule 6-403 REPEALED
- Rule 6-404 REPEALED
- Rule 6-405 REPEALED
- Rule 6-406 REPEALED
- Rule 6-407 REPEALED
Article 5. Probate
- Rule 6-501 Testing and reporting requirements for guardians and conservators.
- Rule 6-502 REPEALED
- Rule 6-503 REPEALED
- Rule 6-504 REPEALED
- Rule 6-505 REPEALED
- Rule 6-506 Procedure for contested matters filed in the probate court.
- Rule 6-507 Court visitors.
Article 6. Mental Health
Chapter 7 Juvenile Court Operations.
Article 1. Juvenile Court Administration
- Rule 7-101 Juvenile Court Board, Executive Committee and Council Representatives.
- Rule 7-102 Duties and authority of Juvenile Court Commissioners.
- Rule 7-103 Renumbered.
Article 2. Juvenile Court Records
- Rule 7-201 REPEALED
- Rule 7-202 Police access to computerized juvenile records.
- Rule 7-203 REPEALED
Article 3. Internal Operations
- Rule 7-301 Intake.
- Rule 7-302 Court Reports Prepared for Delinquency Cases.
- Rule 7-303 Truancy referrals.
- Rule 7-304 Probation supervision.
- Rule 7-305 Reviews.
- Rule 7-306 REPEALED
- Rule 7-307 Use of money in the restitution fund.
- Rule 7-308 REPEALED.
Chapter 8 Circuit Court Operations [Repealed].
Article 1. General Provisions [Repealed]
- Rule 8-101 REPEALED
- Rule 8-102 REPEALED
Article 2. Civil Practice [Repealed]
- Rule 8-201 REPEALED
Article 3. Criminal Practice [Repealed]
- Rule 8-301 REPEALED
Chapter 9 Justice Court Operations.
Article 1. General Provisions
- Rule 9-101 Board of Justice Court Judges.
- Rule 9-102 Caseload report requirements.
- Rule 9-103 Certification of educational requirements.
- Rule 9-104 Salary recommendations.
- Rule 9-105 Justice Court hours.
- Rule 9-106 New judge certification procedure.
- Rule 9-107 Justice court technology, security, and training account.
- Rule 9-108 Justice court standards.
- Rule 9-109 Presiding judges.
Article 2. Civil Practice. [Reserved.]
Article 3. Criminal Practice
- Rule 9-301 REPEALED
- Rule 9-302 Mandatory electronic filing.
Chapter 10 Local Supplemental Rules.
Article 1. District Court Rules
Second District
- Rule 10-1-201 REPEALED
- Rule 10-1-202 REPEALED
- Rule 10-1-203 REPEALED
Third District
- Rule 10-1-301 Probate.
- Rule 10-1-302 Limits on fax filing.
- Rule 10-1-303 Parent-time enforcement mediation.
- Rule 10-1-304 Blanket bonds.
- Rule 10-1-305 Mediation in small claim appeals.
- Rule 10-1-306 REPEALED
Fourth District
- Rule 10-1-401 Management of criminal law and motion calendars.
- Rule 10-1-402 Management of civil law and motion calendars.
- Rule 10-1-403 Pre-trial conference settings in criminal cases.
- Rule 10-1-404 Attendance and assistance of prosecutors in criminal proceedings.
- Rule 10-1-405 Warrants of arrest in aid of commitment.
- Rule 10-1-406 REPEALED
Fifth District
- Rule 10-1-501 REPEALED.
Sixth District
- Rule 10-1-601 Central Utah Correctional Facility designated a public courtroom.
- Rule 10-1-602 REPEALED.
Seventh District
Eighth District
Article 2. Juvenile Court Rules [Reserved]
Article 3. Circuit Court Rules [Renumbered]
- Appendix A. Justice Court Nominating Commissions Procedure Manual
- Appendix B. Justice Court Standards
- Appendix C. Uniform Fine Schedule
- Appendix D. Utah Sentence and Release Guidelines
- Appendix E. REPEALED
- Appendix F. Utah State Courts Records Retention Schedule
- Appendix G. Child Support Worksheets
- Appendix H. Code Of Professional Responsibility For Court Interpreters
- Appendix I. Summary of Classification of Court Records.
- Appendix J. Ability-to-Pay Matrix.
(Note: you may need to click the "Refresh" button when viewing the Ability-to-Pay Matrix to see the current document)
Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice
- Chapter 11. General Provisions.
- Chapter 12. Code of Judicial Conduct.
- Chapter 13. Rules of Professional Conduct.
- Chapter 14. Rules Governing the Utah State Bar.
- Chapter 15. Rules Governing Licensed Paralegal Practitioners
Chapter 11. General Provisions.
Article 1. Rulemaking Process
- Advisory Committees and the Rulemaking Process
- Rule 11-101. Creation and Composition of Supreme Court Committees.
- Rule 11-102. Advisory Committee Procedures.
- Rule 11-103. Rulemaking Procedures.
- Rule 11-104. Procedures Pertaining to the Practice of Law.
- Rule 11-105. Supreme Court Action on Rule Modifications.
- Rule 11-106. Rule Distribution Process.
- Rule 11-107 Open and Public Meetings
Article 2. Judicial Conduct
- Rule 11-201. Senior judges.
- Rule 11-202. Judges pro tempore.
- Rule 11-203. Senior Justice Court Judges.
Article 3. Judicial Professionalism and Civility
Article 4. Standing Committee on Appellate Representation
Article 5. Lawyer Discipline, Disability, and Sanctions
General provisions
- Rule 11-501. Lawyer disciplinary and disability proceedings: purpose, authority, scope, and structure.
- Rule 11-502. Definitions.
- Rule 11-503. Oversight Committee for the Office of Professional Conduct.
- Rule 11-504. Jurisdiction.
- Rule 11-505. Statute of limitations.
Ethics and Discipline Committee
- Rule 11-510. Ethics and Discipline Committee composition.
- Rule 11-511. Screening panel composition; responsibilities.
- Rule 11-512. Respondent subpoena petitions.
- Rule 11-513. Committee clerk.
- Rule 11-514. Disclosure, recusal, and disqualification.
Office of Professional Conduct composition and responsibilities
- Rule 11-520. Chief Disciplinary Counsel and OPC counsel.
- Rule 11-521. OPC prosecutorial powers and duties.
- Rule 11-522. Ethics advisory opinions.
- Rule 11-523. OPC investigative subpoenas.
- Rule 11-524. Retaining records.
Prosecution and appeals
- Rule 11-530. Unprofessional conduct Complaints.
- Rule 11-531. Proceedings before Committee and screening panels.
- Rule 11-532. Exceptions to screening panel determinations and recommendations.
- Rule 11-533. General procedures.
- Rule 11-534. Final Committee disposition.
- Rule 11-535. Appealing a final Committee determination to the Supreme Court.
- Rule 11-536. Actions in district court.
- Rule 11-537. Failure to answer charges.
- Rule 11-538. Appointment of trustee to protect clients' interest when Lawyer disappears, dies, is suspended or delicensed, or is transferred to disability status.
- Rule 11-539. Costs.
- Rule 11-540. Immunity from civil suits.
- Rule 11-541. Service.
- Rule 11-542. Additional rules of procedure.
- Rule 11-550. Diversion referrals, authority, and responsibilities.
- Rule 11-551. Circumstances warranting diversion.
- Rule 11-552. Diversion contract.
- Rule 11-553. Respondent's participation in diversion.
- Rule 11-554. Terminating diversion.
- Rule 11-555. Diversion Costs.
- Rule 11-560. Grounds for discipline.
- Rule 11-561. Accessing disciplinary information.
- Rule 11-562. Disseminating disciplinary information.
- Rule 11-563. Interim discipline for threat of harm.
- Rule 11-564. Finding of guilt or entry of a plea to a crime.
- Rule 11-565. Discipline by consent.
- Rule 11-566. Resignation with discipline pending.
- Rule 11-567. Reciprocal discipline.
- Rule 11-568. Proceedings in which Lawyer is declared to be incompetent or alleged to be incapacitated.
- Rule 11-569. Noncompliance with child support order, child visitation order, subpoena or order relating to paternity, or child support proceeding.
- Rule 11-570. Notice of disability or suspension; return of clients' property; refund of unearned fees.
- Rule 11-580. Purpose and nature of sanctions.
- Rule 11-581. Sanctions.
- Rule 11-582. Factors to be considered in imposing sanctions.
- Rule 11-583. Presumptive sanctions for violating duties owed to clients.
- Rule 11-584. Presumptive sanctions for violating duties owed to the public.
- Rule 11-585. Presumptive sanctions for violating duties owed to the legal system.
- Rule 11-586. Sanctions for violating duties owed as a member of the legal profession.
- Rule 11-587. Prior discipline orders.
- Rule 11-588. Aggravation and mitigation.
- Rule 11-590. Reinstatement following a suspension of no more than six months or probation.
- Rule 11-591. Reinstatement following a suspension of more than six months; relicensure.
Article 6. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
- Rule 11-601. Purpose
- Rule 11-602. Definitions.
- Rule 11-603. Establishment and membership of Board.
- Rule 11-604. Active status lawyers MCLE, NLTP, admission on motion, multi-state compliance reciprocity, house counsel and UBE requirements; MCLE requirements for Paralegal Practitioners.
- Rule 11-605. MCLE requirements for lawyers and paralegal practitioners on inactive status.
- Rule 11-606. MCLE requirements for lawyers on active military duty and lawyers who are spouses of active military members stationed in Utah.
- Rule 11-607. MCLE requirements for lawyers on active emeritus status.
- Rule 11-608. Credit hour defined; application for approval.
- Rule 11-609. Categories of Elective CLE defined.
- Rule 11-610. Accreditation of MCLE; undue hardship and special accreditation.
- Rule 11-611. Board Accreditation of CLE.
- Rule 11-612. Presumptively approved CLE providers; presumptive CLE Accreditation.
- Rule 11-613. CLE Accreditation for qualified audio and video presentations, webcasts, computer interactive programs, writing, lecturing, teaching, public service, and verified attendance.
- Rule 11-614. Certificate of compliance; filing, late, and reinstatement fees; suspension; reinstatement.
- Rule 11-615. Failure to satisfy MCLE requirements; notice; appeal procedures; reinstatement; waivers and extensions; deferrals.
- Rule 11-616. Lawyers on active status not practicing law; certificate of exemption.
- Rule 11-617. Miscellaneous fees and expenses.
- Rule 11-618. Remote group CLE.
- Rule 11-619. CLE Credit for Pro Bono Legal Services.
Article 7. Office of Legal Services Innovation
- Rule 11-701. Purpose
- Rule 11-702. Legal Services Innovation Committee
- Rule 11-703. Disclosure, Recusal, and Disqualification
- Rule 11-704. Legal Services Innovation Office and Committee Powers
- Rule 11-705. Entity Data
Chapter 12. Code of Judicial Conduct.
- Canon 1. A judge shall uphold and promote the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.
- Canon 2. A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially, competently, and diligently.
- Canon 3. A judge shall conduct the judge's extrajudicial activities to minimize the risk of conflict with the obligations of judicial office.
- Canon 4. A judge or candidate for judicial office shall not engage in political or campaign activity that is inconsistent with the independence, integrity, or impartiality of the judiciary.
Chapter 13. Rules of Professional Conduct.
Client-Lawyer Relationship
- Rule 1.1. Competence.
- Rule 1.2. Scope of representation and allocation of authority between client and lawyer. Licensed paralegal practitioner notice to be displayed.
- Rule 1.3. Diligence.
- Rule 1.4. Communication.
- Rule 1.5. Fees.
- Rule 1.6. Confidentiality of information.
- Rule 1.7. Conflict of Interest: Current Clients.
- Rule 1.8. Conflict of Interest: Current Clients: Specific Rules.
- Rule 1.9. Duties to Former Clients
- Rule 1.10. Imputation of Conflicts of Interest: General Rule.
- Rule 1.11. Special Conflicts of Interest for Former and Current Government Employees.
- Rule 1.12. Former Judge, Arbitrator, Mediator or Other Third-Party Neutral.
- Rule 1.13. Organization as a client.
- Rule 1.14. Client with Diminished Capacity.
- Rule 1.15. Safekeeping property
- Rule 1.16. Declining or terminating representation.
- Rule 1.17. Sale of law practice.
- Rule 1.18. Duties to Prospective Client.
- Rule 2.1. Advisor.
- Rule 2.3. Evaluation for use by third persons.
- Rule 2.4. Lawyer Serving as Third-Party Neutral.
- Rule 3.1. Meritorious claims and contentions.
- Rule 3.2. Expediting litigation.
- Rule 3.3. Candor toward the tribunal.
- Rule 3.4. Fairness to opposing party and counsel.
- Rule 3.5. Impartiality and decorum of the tribunal.
- Rule 3.6. Trial publicity.
- Rule 3.7. Lawyer as witness.
- Rule 3.8. Special responsibilities of a prosecutor.
- Rule 3.9. Advocate in non-adjudicative proceedings.
Transactions with Persons Other Than Clients
- Rule 4.1 Truthfulness in statements to others.
- Rule 4.2 Communication with persons represented by counsel.
- Rule 4.3 Dealing with unrepresented person.
- Rule 4.4 Respect for rights of third persons.
Law Firms and Associations
- Rule 5.1 Responsibilities of Partners, Managers, and Supervisory Lawyers.
- Rule 5.2 Responsibilities of a subordinate lawyer.
- Rule 5.3 Responsibilities regarding nonlawyer assistants.
- Rule 5.4 Professional independence of a lawyer.
- Rule 5.5 Unauthorized Practice of Law; Multijurisdictional Practice of Law.
- Rule 5.6 Restrictions on right to practice.
- Rule 5.7 Responsibilities Regarding Law-Related Services.
Public Service
- Rule 6.1. Voluntary Pro Bono Legal Service.
- Rule 6.2. Accepting appointments.
- Rule 6.3. Membership in legal services organization.
- Rule 6.4. Law reform activities affecting client interests.
- Rule 6.5. Short-term Limited Legal Services.
Information About Legal Services
- Rule 7.1. Communications concerning a lawyer's services.
- Rule 7.2. Reserved.
- Rule 7.3. Reserved.
- Rule 7.4. Reserved.
- Rule 7.5. Reserved.
- Rule 7.6. Political contributions to obtain governmental legal engagements or appointments by judges. The Utah Supreme Court has not adopted the model rule.
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
- Rule 8.1. Bar admission and disciplinary matters.
- Rule 8.2. Judicial officials.
- Rule 8.3. Reporting professional misconduct.
- Rule 8.4. Misconduct.
- Rule 8.5. Disciplinary Authority; Choice of Law.
Chapter 14. Rules Governing the Utah State Bar.
Article 1. Integration and Management
- Rule 14-101. Definitions
- Rule 14-102. Regulation of the practice of law.
- Rule 14-103. Organization and management of the Bar.
- Rule 14-104. Admission to practice law; qualifications, enrollment, oath, and fees.
- Rule 14-105. Proposing rules to regulate licensed lawyers, licensed paralegal practitioners, and judicial officers.
- Rule 14-106. Authority to engage in legislative activities.
- Rule 14-107. Duties of lawyers, foreign legal consultants, and licensed paralegal.
- Rule 14-108. Issuance of license; form.
- Rule 14-109. Powers of the Board respecting funds.
- Rule 14-110. Active and inactive members of the Bar.
- Rule 14-111. Practicing without a license prohibited.
- Rule 14-112. Duties of attorneys and counselors at law.
- Rule 14-113. Creation of paralegal division.
- Rule 14-114. Conflicts with statutes.
Article 2. Bylaws
- Rule 14-201. Definitions.
- Rule 14-202. Purposes of the Bar.
- Rule 14-203. License categories.
- Rule 14-204. Meetings of the Bar.
- Rule 14-205. Board.
- Rule 14-206. Officers.
- Rule 14-207. Finances.
- Rule 14-208. Special rules and regulations.
- Rule 14-209. REPEALED.
- Rule 14-210. General.
Article 3. Standards of Professionalism and Civility
- Rule 14-301. Standards of Professionalism and Civility.
- Rule 14-302. Definitions.
- Rule 14-303. Professionalism and Civility Counseling.
Article 4. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (Renumbered to Chapter 11, Article 6)
- Rule 14-401. REPEALED
- Rule 14-402. REPEALED
- Rule 14-403. REPEALED
- Rule 14-404. REPEALED
- Rule 14-405. REPEALED
- Rule 14-406. REPEALED
- Rule 14-407. REPEALED
- Rule 14-408. REPEALED
- Rule 14-409. REPEALED
- Rule 14-410. REPEALED
- Rule 14-411. REPEALED
- Rule 14-412. REPEALED
- Rule 14-413. REPEALED
- Rule 14-414. REPEALED
- Rule 14-415. REPEALED
- Rule 14-416. REPEALED
- Rule 14-417. REPEALED
- Rule 14-418. REPEALED
- Rule 14-419. REPEALED
Article 5. Lawyer Discipline and Disability (Now found in Chapter 11, article 5)
- Rule 14-501. REPEALED
- Rule 14-502. REPEALED
- Rule 14-503. REPEALED
- Rule 14-504. REPEALED
- Rule 14-505. REPEALED
- Rule 14-506. REPEALED
- Rule 14-507. REPEALED
- Rule 14-508. REPEALED
- Rule 14-509. REPEALED
- Rule 14-510. REPEALED
- Rule 14-511. REPEALED
- Rule 14-512. REPEALED
- Rule 14-513. REPEALED
- Rule 14-514. REPEALED
- Rule 14-515. REPEALED
- Rule 14-516. REPEALED
- Rule 14-517. REPEALED
- Rule 14-518. REPEALED
- Rule 14-519. REPEALED
- Rule 14-520. REPEALED
- Rule 14-521. REPEALED
- Rule 14-522. REPEALED
- Rule 14-523. REPEALED
- Rule 14-524. REPEALED
- Rule 14-525. REPEALED
- Rule 14-526. REPEALED
- Rule 14-527. REPEALED
- Rule 14-528. REPEALED
- Rule 14-529. REPEALED
- Rule 14-530. REPEALED
- Rule 14-531. REPEALED
- Rule 14-532. REPEALED
- Rule 14-533. REPEALED
Article 6. Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions (Now found in Chapter 11, article 5)
- Rule 14-601. REPEALED
- Rule 14-602. REPEALED
- Rule 14-603. REPEALED
- Rule 14-604. REPEALED
- Rule 14-605. REPEALED
- Rule 14-606. REPEALED
- Rule 14-607. REPEALED
Article 7. Admissions
- Rule 14-701. Definitions.
- Rule 14-702. Board - general powers.
- Rule 14-703. Qualifications for admission of Student Applicants.
- Rule 14-704. Qualifications for admission of Attorney Applicants.
- Rule 14-705. Admission by motion.
- Rule 14-706. Test accommodations.
- Rule 14-707. Application; deadlines; withdrawals; postponements and fees.
- Rule 14-708. Character and fitness.
- Rule 14-709. Application denial.
- Rule 14-710. Administration of the Bar Examination.
- Rule 14-711. Grading and passing of the Bar Examination.
- Rule 14-712. Qualifications for admission based on UBE.
- Rule 14-713. MPRE.
- Rule 14-714. Unsuccessful Applicants: disclosure and right of inspection.
- Rule 14-715. Requests for Review.
- Rule 14-716. License fees; enrollment fees; oath and admission.
- Rule 14-717. Readmission after resignation or disbarment of Utah attorneys.
- Rule 14-718. Licensing of Foreign Legal Consultants.
- Rule 14-719. Qualifications for admission of House Counsel Applicants.
- Rule 14-720. Confidentiality.
- Rule 14-721. Admission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients.
Article 8. Special Practice Rules
- Rule 14-801. Definitions.
- Rule 14-802. Authorization to practice law.
- Rule 14-803. Pro Bono Authorization for Utah Inactive Attorneys and Attorneys Admitted in Other States.
- Rule 14-804. Special admission exception for military lawyers.
- Rule 14-805. Admission for spouse of active military stationed in Utah.
- Rule 14-806. Admission pro hac vice.
- Rule 14-807. Law school student and law school graduate legal assistance.
- Rule 14-808. New lawyer training program.
- Rule 14-809. Practice Pending Admission.
- Rule 14-810. Non-traditional Legal Providers Assisting Clients in Court.
Article 9. Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection.
- Rule 14-901. Definitions.
- Rule 14-902. Purpose and scope; establishment of Fund.
- Rule 14-903.Committee membership and terms; Board approval of Committee recommendations.
- Rule 14-904. Funding.
- Rule 14-905. Segregated bank account.
- Rule 14-906. Committee meetings.
- Rule 14-907. Duties and responsibilities of the committee.
- Rule 14-908. Conflict of interest.
- Rule 14-909. Immunity.
- Rule 14-910. Eligible claim.
- Rule 14-911. Procedures and form; responsibilities of claimants to complete form.
- Rule 14-912. Processing claims.
- Rule 14-913. Payment of reimbursement.
- Rule 14-914. Reimbursement from the fund as a matter of grace.
- Rule 14-915. Restitution and subrogation.
- Rule 14-916. Confidentiality.
Article 10. IOLTA
Article 11. Arbitration of Fee Disputes
- Rule 14-1101. Definitions.
- Rule 14-1102. Purpose and composition of the committee.
- Rule 14-1103. Exclusions.
- Rule 14-1104. Petition; agreement to arbitrate, answer, discovery; and extension.
- Rule 14-1105. Selection of the arbitration panel; additional claims.
- Rule 14-1106. Conduct of the hearing; evidence and civil procedure; right to counsel; right to record hearing; effect of failure to appear; postponements.
- Rule 14-1107. Award; form; service of award; judicial confirmation of award.
- Rule 14-1108. Relief granted by award; accord and satisfaction application to court; confidentiality; enforceability of award; claims of malpractice.
- Rule 14-1109. Ex parte communication between the parties and the panel members.
- Rule 14-1110. Necessary parties.
- Rule 14-1111. Exemption from future testimony and confidentiality of records and information.
- Rule 14-1112. Request and agreement to mediate fee dispute, answer.
- Rule 14-1113. Selection of mediator.
- Rule 14-1114. Matters entitled to mediation.
- Rule 14-1115. Mediation is voluntary.
- Rule 14-1116. Conduct of the mediation.
- Rule 14-1117. Confidentiality.
- Rule 14-1118. Ex parte communications with the mediator.
- Rule 14-1119. Exemption from future testimony.
- Rule 14-1120. Mediation agreement.
Chapter 15. Rules Governing Licensed Paralegal Practitioners
Article 1. Reserved.
Article 2. Reserved.
Article 3. Standards of Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Professionalism and Civility
Article 4. Mandatory Continuing Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Education
- Rule 15-401. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-402. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-403. Reserved.
- Rule 15-404. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-405. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-406. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-407. Reserved.
- Rule 15-408. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-409. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-410. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-411. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-412. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-413. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-414. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-415. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-416. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-417. REPEALED.
Article 5. Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Discipline and Disability (Now found in Chapter 11, article 5)
- Rule 15-501. REPEALED
- Rule 15-502. REPEALED
- Rule 15-503. REPEALED
- Rule 15-504. REPEALED
- Rule 15-505. REPEALED
- Rule 15-506. REPEALED
- Rule 15-507. REPEALED
- Rule 15-508. REPEALED
- Rule 15-509. REPEALED
- Rule 15-510. REPEALED
- Rule 15-511. REPEALED
- Rule 15-512. REPEALED
- Rule 15-513. REPEALED
- Rule 15-514. REPEALED
- Rule 15-515. REPEALED
- Rule 15-516. REPEALED
- Rule 15-517. REPEALED
- Rule 15-518. REPEALED
- Rule 15-519. REPEALED
- Rule 15-520. REPEALED
- Rule 15-521. REPEALED
- Rule 15-522. REPEALED
- Rule 15-523. REPEALED
- Rule 15-524. REPEALED
- Rule 15-525. REPEALED
- Rule 15-526. REPEALED
- Rule 15-527. REPEALED
- Rule 15-528. REPEALED
- Rule 15-529. REPEALED
- Rule 15-530. REPEALED
- Rule 15-531. REPEALED
- Rule 15-532. REPEALED
- Rule 15-533. REPEALED
Article 6. Standards for Imposing Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Sanctions (Now found in Chapter 11, article 5)
- Rule 15-601. REPEALED
- Rule 15-602. REPEALED
- Rule 15-603. REPEALED
- Rule 15-604. REPEALED
- Rule 15-605. REPEALED
- Rule 15-606. REPEALED
- Rule 15-607. REPEALED
Article 7. Licensing
- Rule 15-701. Definitions.
- Rule 15-702. Board - general powers.
- Rule 15-703. Qualifications for licensure as a licensed paralegal practitioner.
- Rule 15-704. Reserved.
- Rule 15-705. REPEALED
- Rule 15-706. Test accommodations.
- Rule 15-707. Application; deadlines; withdrawals; postponements and fees.
- Rule 15-708. Character and fitness.
- Rule 15-709. Application denial.
- Rule 15-710. Administration of the paralegal practitioner examination(s).
- Rule 15-711. Grading and passing the paralegal practitioner examination.
- Rule 15-712. Reserved.
- Rule 15-713. Ethics exam.
- Rule 15-714. Reserved.
- Rule 15-715. Requests for review.
- Rule 15-716. License fees; enrollment fees; oath and admission.
- Rule 15-717. Relicensure after resignation or delicensure of Utah licensed paralegal practitioners.
- Rule 15-718. Reserved.
- Rule 15-719. Reserved.
- Rule 15-720. Confidentiality.
Article 8. Reserved.
Article 9. Reserved.
Article 10. IOLPPTA Account
Article 11. Resolution of Fee Disputes for Licensed Paralegal Practitioners
- Rule 15-1101. REPEALED
- Rule 15-1102. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1103. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1104. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1105. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1106. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1107. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1108. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1109. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1110. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1111. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1112. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1113. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1114. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1115. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1116. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1117. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1118. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1119. REPEALED.
- Rule 15-1120. REPEALED.
Article 12. Licensed Paralegal Practitioner Rules of Professional Conduct
Client-LPP Relationship
- Rule 1.0. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.2. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.5. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.6. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.7. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.8. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.9. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.10. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.11. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.12. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.13. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.14. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.15. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.16. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.17. REPEALED.
- Rule 1.18. REPEALED.
- Rule 2.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 2.2. Reserved.
- Rule 2.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 2.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 3.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 3.2. Reserved.
- Rule 3.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 3.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 3.5. REPEALED.
- Rule 3.6. Reserved.
- Rule 3.7. Reserved.
- Rule 3.8. Reserved.
- Rule 3.9. Reserved.
Transactions with Persons Other Than Clients
- Rule 4.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 4.2. REPEALED.
- Rule 4.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 4.4. Reserved.
Firms and Associations
- Rule 5.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.2. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.5. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.6. REPEALED.
- Rule 5.7. Reserved.
Public Service
- Rule 6.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 6.2. Reserved.
- Rule 6.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 6.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 6.5. REPEALED.
Information About Legal Services
- Rule 7.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 7.2. REPEALED.
- Rule 7.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 7.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 7.5. REPEALED.
- Rule 7.6. Reserved.
Maintaining the Integrity of the Profession
- Rule 8.1. REPEALED.
- Rule 8.2. REPEALED.
- Rule 8.3. REPEALED.
- Rule 8.4. REPEALED.
- Rule 8.5. REPEALED.
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