Utah Courts
UCJA Rule 11-504 (Code of Judicial Administration)
UCJA Rule 11-504 (Code of Judicial Administration)
Rule 11-504. Jurisdiction.
(a) Persons practicing law. The persons subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the OPC include any Lawyer licensed to practice law in Utah, any lawyer admitted but currently not properly licensed to practice in Utah, any formerly licensed Lawyer with respect to acts committed while admitted to practice in Utah or with respect to acts subsequent thereto, which amount to the practice of law or constitute a violation of any rule promulgated, adopted, or approved by the Supreme Court or any other disciplinary authority where the Lawyer was licensed to practice or was practicing law at the time of the alleged violation, any Lawyer specially admitted by a Utah court for a particular proceeding, and any other person not licensed in Utah who practices law or who renders or offers to render any legal services in Utah.
(b) Incumbent and sitting judges. Incumbent and sitting judges are subject to the OPC’s jurisdiction only for conduct that occurred before taking office.
(c) Former judges. A former judge who has resumed the status of a Lawyer is subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court not only for conduct as a Lawyer but also for misconduct that occurred while the Lawyer was a judge and would have been grounds for Lawyer discipline, provided that the misconduct was not the subject of a judicial disciplinary proceeding as to which there has been a final determination by the Supreme Court.
(d) Part-time judges. Part-time judges, while in office, are subject to Lawyer disciplinary and disability proceedings for acts outside their judicial capacity
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