Posted: March 4, 2016
Rules Governing the Utah State Bar (MCLE Rules) – Effective May 1, 2016
The following proposals address changes to the MCLE rules. The most substantive proposed change allows lawyers to receive up to six hours of live continuing legal education credit for attending live, interactive webcasts that are broadcast from a Utah state courthouse to a Utah state courthouse or from the Law and Justice Center to a Utah state courthouse. The proposals also address the requirements for active Bar members living outside of Utah and practicing in other jurisdictions. The majority of the changes correct grammar and inconsistencies with other Bar rules, as well as provide clarification.
USB 14-0401. Purpose. Amend.
USB 14-0402. Definitions. Amend.
USB 14-0403. Establishment and Membership of Board. Amend.
USB 14-0404. Active status lawyers: MCLE, NLCLE and admission on motion requirements. Amend.
USB 14-0405. MCLE requirements for lawyers on inactive status. Amend.
USB 14-0406. MCLE requirements for lawyers on active military duty. Amend.
USB 14-0407. MCLE requirements for lawyers on active emeritus status. Amend.
USB 14-0408. Credit hour defined; application for approval. Amend.
USB 14-0409. Self-study categories of accredited MCLE defined. Amend.
USB 14-0410. Accreditation of MCLE; undue hardship and special accreditation. Amend.
USB 14-0411. Board accreditation of non-approved sponsor courses. Amend.
USB 14-0412. Presumptively approved sponsors; presumptive MCLE accreditation. Amend.
USB 14-0413. MCLE credit for qualified audio and video presentations; computer interactive telephonic programs; writing; lecturing; teaching; live attendance. Amend.
USB 14-0414. Certificate of compliance; filing, late, and reinstatement fees; suspension; reinstatement. Amend.
USB 14-0415. Failure to satisfy MCLE requirements; notice; appeal procedures; reinstatement; waivers and extensions; deferrals. Amend.
USB 14-0416. Lawyers on active status not practicing law; certificate of exemption. Amend.
USB 14-0417. Miscellaneous fees and expenses. Amend.
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