Department of Corrections
Conference Room, 4th Floor
Draper, Utah
Wednesday, October 24, 2001
11:30am - 1:00pm
Mike Chabries (Meeting Chair) Dan Maldonado Sandra Kinoshita
John Adams Ed McConkie
Daniel Becker Haruko Moriyasu
Paul Boyden Brad Slater Christina Barrera
Susan Burke Anthony Smith Cmsnr Bob Flowers
Brandy Balentyne for Kal Farr Joan Smith Brent Johnson
Sid Groll Joe Tafua Judge Tyrone Medley
Keith Hamilton Deidre Tyler John Nielsen
John Hill Carolina Webber Judge Bill Thorne
Rep. Lamont Tyler
Bev Klungervik, Meeting Facilitator Michael Zimmerman
Mike Chabries called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the Department of Corrections. The minutes from the Orientation were approved without amendment. Lunch was served and the agenda reviewed.
Please see the handout of the PowerPoint presentation (distributed at meeting and mailed to those not present). Task Force recommendations were addressed individually, stating the current processes and/or implementation plans in place to address each category. Issues that raised questions included minority recruitment techniques and strategies, as well as the amount and efficacy of their training programs.
Presenting and available to answer questions for the Department of Corrections were:
Mike Chabries, Executive Director of Corrections
Dr. Chris Mitchell, Deputy Director of Corrections
Joe Borich, Director of Adult Probation & Parole
Jennifer Bartell, Deputy Director of Adult Probation & Parole
Scott Carver, DIO Director (prison director)
Jack Ford, Public Information Specialist
David Gomez, Diversity Coordinator
Lee Liston, Program Administrator over Ethnic Minority Resource Officer (EMRO) prog.
Sally Powell, Acting Assistant Regional Manager over Pre-Sentence Investigations (PSI)
The Courts' Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation programs continue to facilitate the development of our Mission Statement. Bev Klungervik has been with the Courts for three years and serves as Lead Child Welfare Mediator.
Please refer to the following handouts: MISSION STATEMENT: Notes from the Orientation (blue sheet). In an effort to define and focus our roles and goals for the mission statement, Commission members were asked to prioritize four roles and four goals from the Orientation brainstorm session. Haruko Moriyasu, Susan Burke, and Dan Becker offered to develop DRAFT mission statements for the Commission members to adapt at a later meeting. The prioritization will be forwarded to these individuals, and mission statement drafts will be distributed at the November meeting.
Discussion identified the need for the Commission to further identify and agree upon our role before we develop our mission statement. The Commission also must decide on the type of mission statement desired (ie. brief/abstract or detailed/all-inclusive). Attention must be paid to the community perspective and perception of the statement, in addition to the administrative perspective of the members.
Due to holiday conflicts, the December meeting has been rescheduled for
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12, 2001 from 11:30am - 1:00pm
location to be announced.
For future discussion: the possibility of changing the regular meeting days for next semester
5. DISCUSSION ABOUT MEDIA ROLE (Mike Chabries & Jack Ford)
Jack Ford, PIO for the Department of Corrections offered suggestions for future media role with the Commission. Mr. Ford suggested that media be given explanations of issues at hand with a focus on statistics to back them up. Suggested possibility of having a media seat on the Commission, someone to advise on best strategies and utilize professional networks to ensure that Commission is fairly represented in the media.
Discussion on media included the following:
Media has a responsibility to not only report Cmsn activity, but to advance racial and ethnic fairness issues in general. They need to contribute to the process, as a player/stakeholder at the table.
Many Cmsn agencies have Public Information Officers. The Cmsn could invite one/them to meetings or form a subcommittee of PIO's. The Cmsn should have the authority to approve what this individual(s) disseminates.
Cmsn should develop a professional presentation of information for public awareness. A speaker could take this and present to community and other constituencies.
A media executive, possibly a retiree with much experience and connections, could be a consultant for the Cmsn. (Issue: Cmsn has no budget)
Follow up with Kal Farr and the Chiefs of Police Assn re: Phil Riesen, a media consultant contracted by the Assn. There may be potential for the Cmsn to "double-up" with his services and the Assn's contract.
Unanimous agreement that there will be no reporters on the Cmsn. This would interfere with the frankness of the discussion and prevent posturing for individual press. Many members do not want any media people on the Cmsn at all.
Motions and decisions were tabled until the role and mission statement are established.
6. ADJOURNMENT: (Mike Chabries)
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Special thank you to Mike Chabries and the Department of Corrections for their hospitality and informative presentation.
at the Weber County Sheriffs Complex from 11:30am - 1:00pm. We will distribute DRAFT mission statements and have a presentation on the Utah Sheriffs Association and Weber County Sheriff's Office implementation efforts. Lunch will be provided, compliments of the Weber County Sheriffs Office.
If you have an unsigned Commission Resolution in your packet, please sign it and send to Sandra Kinoshita. If you have concerns about the resolution, please call her.
Much discussion surrounded the Utah Multi-Agency Cultural Competency Curriculum. This is an intensive and extensive curriculum that is meant to be adapted to the varying audiences. It was funded through federal grant monies and is available to each of you. To learn more about the curriculum (or for a list of "certified" trainers), please contact Sherrie Hayashi or Marlene Gonzales at the Multi-Cultural Legal Center at 801-486-1183 and let them know you are a member of the Commission.
KUED (public television) provided a brochure of their resources available to all Commission members.
Please bring your driver's license or state ID to the November meeting-there may be security checkpoints as you drive in to the Weber County Sheriffs Complex.