The Law and Justice Center
Salt Lake City, Utah
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
11:30am - 1:30pm
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kal Farr (Meeting Chair) John Adams Haruko Moriyasu Daniel Becker John Nielsen Susan Burke Jerry Cook, for Brad Slater Keith Hamilton Joan Smith John Hill Joe Tafua Brent Johnson Judge Bill Thorne Dan Maldonado Carolina Webber Ed McConkie Michael Zimmerman |
CMSN STAFF: Sandra Kinoshita Jah-Juin Ho, Intern |
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Paul Boyden Mike Chabries Cmsnr Bob Flowers Sid Groll Judge Tyrone Medley Anthony Smith Deidre Tyler Rep. Lamont Tyler |
Lunch was served. Kal Farr called the meeting to order. The minutes from Meeting #4 were approved without amendment. Additionally, Susan Burke provided follow-up commentary to her presentation from the last meeting on the enforcement of EEO plans:
"Ron Gordon in our office did a little more research on the EEO Plan monitoring. We are not allowed to monitor the plan implementation. That "right" is reserved by the Office of Civil Rights.
Our office is only required to verify that the submitted plan meets the Office of Civil Right's Requirements, which we do. We are not allowed to judge the quality of the plan.
Communities also only need to come up with plans to address underrepresentation in the workforce if minorities constitute 3% or more of their service district. If they do not, then the plan must focus on gender inequities. So in the St. George City EEO plan, for example, it notes that white males are under-represented in clerical positions. Their plan is to recruit more white males for these positions and more white females for public works positions. The plan does not address minorities since they do not represent more than 3% of their service district in any category."
John Adams (Commission member, President-Elect-Utah State Bar) gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the Bar and its Task Force implementation process. The PowerPoint is attached to your emailed draft of the minutes. One handout was distributed: one side is a draft document to notify defendants of the consequences of a guilty plea, the other side is a draft document of a defendant's right to an interpreter.
Guests also present to answer questions:
John Baldwin, Executive Director-Utah State Bar
Marlene Gonzales-Past President of the Utah Minority Bar Association;
Ex-Officio member of the Bar Commission
Noted from the PowerPoint presentation:
A subcommittee was formed to look closer at this issue surrounding deportation:
Marlene Gonzales, Keith Hamilton, John Hill, and Brent Johnson
Kal Farr (Commission member, Executive Director-Utah Chiefs of Police Association) gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the Bar and its Task Force implementation process. The PowerPoint is attached to your emailed draft of the minutes. Two documents were distributed, one is a summary of the community survey to help prioritize the Chiefs' implementation efforts, the other is the recommended racial profiling policy that each Chief was asked to adopt.
Noted from this presentation:
Kal Farr suggested that Commission members track the progress through the internet. You can do so at: He also asked that you contact your legislators. In addition, Kal Farr or Ed McConkie will notify the Commission members through Sandra Kinoshita, of when the hearings will be.
Regarding the surveys, Kal will also present this information at the EDI conference in St. George in March.
There was a motion on the floor for "The Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice System to support House Bill 101 by Representative Bourdeaux". This passed with unanimous support. This has also been supported/endorsed by numerous other committees.
It was further discussed that law enforcement officers and stakeholders will respond to mandates and laws, if changes are to take place.
The second draft of the Mission Statement was included in your meeting materials. To allow you to compare, the first draft is on one side, the second draft on the other. Please review this document for the next meeting. Thank you to the second Mission Statement Subcommittee (Haruko Moriyasu, Joan Smith, and Carolina Webber). Email any responses, suggestions, changes to Sandra Kinoshita.
The Commission voted in favor of having a webpage, per the suggestion at the November Commission meeting. It will be housed by the Courts' website and will include: Commission members (with agency links), the Mission Statement (when complete), and the approved minutes to the Commission meetings. We will also leave the links to the Task Force Final Report and the Subcommittee Reports, so visitors will still have access to the background/historical information.
In your meeting materials, Haruko Moriyasu submitted an article your interest: "Citizens Panel Calls for Scrutiny of DC Police Stops".
6. ADJOURNMENT: (Kal Farr)