- Order Directing Removal of Advisory Committee Notes to Utah Rules of Juvenile Procedure 11, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30 -
(effective May 1, 2019)
Section I General Provisions
- Rule 1 Scope and effective date.
- Rule 2 Applicability of Rules of Civil Procedure and Criminal Procedure.
- Rule 3 Style of pleadings and forms.
- Rule 4 Time.
- Rule 5 Definitions.
Section II Detention; Warrants; Bail
- Rule 6 Admission to detention without court order.
- Rule 7 Warrants.
- Rule 7A Pick up orders.
- Rule 8 Rights of minor while in detention.
- Rule 9 Detention hearings; scheduling; hearing procedure.
- Rule 10 Bail for non-resident minors.
- Rule 11 Time limits on detention orders.
Section III Shelter
Section IV Pre-petition Procedures
- Rule 14 Reception of referral; preliminary determination.
- Rule 15 Preliminary inquiry; informal adjustment without petition.
Section V Petition; Service; Pre-Trial Pleadings; Discover
- Rule 16 Transfer of delinquency case for preliminary inquiry.
- Rule 16A Transfer of a non-delinquency proceeding.
- Rule 17 The petition.
- Rule 18 Summons; service of process; notice.
- Rule 19 Responsive pleadings and motions.
- Rule 19A Motions and Orders.
- Rule 19B Motions for expedited hearings.
- Rule 19C Motion practice for delinquency, traffic, and adult criminal matters.
- Rule 20 Discovery.
- Rule 20A Discovery in non-delinquency proceedings.
Section VI Proceedings under Utah Code section 80-6-503
- Rule 21 Warrant of arrest or summons in cases under Utah Code section 80-6-503.
- Rule 22 Initial appearance and preliminary hearing in cases under Utah Code sections 80-6-503 and 80-6-504.
- Rule 23 REPEALED.
- Rule 23A Hearing on conditions of Section 80-6-503; bind over to district court.
Section VII Proceedings Relating to Delinquency Matters
- Rule 24 Arraignment.
- Rule 25 Pleas.
- Rule 25A Withdrawal of plea.
- Rule 26 Rights of minors in delinquency proceedings.
- Rule 27 Fingerprinting, photographing, and regulating discovery; HIV testing.
- Rule 27A Admissibility of statements given by a child.
- Rule 28 Scheduling of minors' cases.
- Rule 29 Multiple county offenses.
- Rule 29A Visual recording of statement or testimony of child victim or witness of sexual or physical abuse - Conditions of admissibility.
- Rule 29B REPEALED.
Section VIII Citable Offenses, Truancy Offenses and Status Offenses
- Rule 30 Citations; applicable offenses and procedures; bail.
- Rule 31 Initiation of truancy proceedings.
- Rule 32 Initiation of ungovernability and runaway cases.
Section IX Proceedings Relating to Neglect, Abuse and Dependency and Related Non-Delinquency Matters
- Rule 33 Preliminary orders and summary proceedings.
- Rule 34 Pre-trial hearing in non-delinquency cases.
- Rule 35 Pre-trial procedures.
- Rule 36 Cases coordinated with the district court.
- Rule 37 Child protective orders.
- Rule 37A Visual recording of statement or testimony of child in abuse, neglect, dependency, or substantiation proceedings - Conditions of admissibility.
- Rule 37B REPEALED.
Section X Proceedings Relating to Adults
Section XI Trials
Section XII Adjudication and Judgment
- Rule 44 Findings and conclusions.
- Rule 45 Dispositional Reports.
- Rule 46 Disposition hearing.
- Rule 47 Reviews and modification of orders.
- Rule 48 Post judgment motions.
Section XIII Miscellaneous Rules
- Rule 49 Adoptions.
- Rule 50 Presence at hearings.
- Rule 51 Violation of probation and contempt by a minor.
- Rule 52 Appeals.
- Rule 53 Appearance and withdrawal of counsel.
- Rule 54 Continuances.
- Rule 55 Transfer of minors who present a danger in detention.
- Rule 56 Expungement.
- Rule 57 Change of judge as a matter of right.
- Rule 58 Victim rights.
- Rule 59 Material witnesses.
- Rule 60 Judicial bypass procedure to authorize minor to consent to an abortion.
- Rule 61. In-person, remote, and hybrid hearings; request for different format.
Forms Committee Approved Bilingual Notices to Responding Party
- 7015JU Bilingual Notice to Responding Party for In-State Summons for Abuse, Neglect, and/or Dependency Petition - PDF | Word
- 7016JU Bilingual Notice to Responding Party for Out-of-State Summons for Abuse, Neglect, and/or Dependency Petition - PDF | Word
- 7017JU Bilingual Notice to Responding Party for In-State Summons for Petition for Termination of Parental Rights - PDF | Word
- 7018JU Bilingual Notice to Responding Party for Out-of-State Summons for Petition for Termination of Parental Rights - PDF | Word
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