Title I Applicability of Rules
Title II Appeals from Judgments and Orders of Trial Courts
- Rule 3 Appeal as of right: how taken.
- Rule 4 Appeal as of right: when taken.
- Rule 5 Discretionary appeals from interlocutory orders.
- Rule 6 Bond for costs on appeal.
- Rule 7 Security: proceedings against sureties.
- Rule 8 Stay or injunction pending appeal.
- Rule 9 Docketing statement.
- Rule 10 Motion for summary disposition.
- Rule 11 The record on appeal.
- Rule 12 Transmission of the record.
- Rule 13 Notice of filing by clerk.
Title III Review and Enforcement of Orders of Administrative Agencies, Commissions, and Committees
- Rule 14 Review of administrative orders: how obtained; intervention.
- Rule 15 Petitions for review in tax cases.
- Rule 16 [Reserved.]
- Rule 17 Stay pending review.
- Rule 18 Applicability of other rules to review.
Title IV Extraordinary Writs; Habeas Corpus
Title V General Provisions
- Rule 21 Filing and service.
- Rule 22 Computation and enlargement of time.
- Rule 23 Motions.
- Rule 23A Motion for reinstatement of appeal.
- Rule 23B Motion to remand for findings necessary to determination of ineffective assistance of counsel claim.
- Rule 23C Motion for emergency relief.
- Rule 24 Principal and reply briefs.
- Rule 24A. Briefs in cross-appeals.
- Rule 25 Brief of an amicus curiae or guardian ad litem.
- Rule 25A Challenging the constitutionality of a statute or ordinance.
- Rule 26 Filing and serving briefs.
- Rule 27 Form of briefs, motions, and other documents.
- Rule 28 Prehearing conference.
- Rule 28A Appellate mediation office.
- Rule 29 Oral arguments.
- Rule 30 Decision of the court; notice of decision.
- Rule 31 Expedited decisions.
- Rule 32 Interest on judgment.
- Rule 33 Damages for delay or frivolous appeal; recovery of attorney's fees.
- Rule 34 Award of costs.
- Rule 35 Petition for rehearing.
- Rule 36 Issuance of remittitur.
- Rule 37 Suggestion of mootness; voluntary dismissal.
- Rule 38 Substitution of parties.
- Rule 38A Withdrawal of counsel.
- Rule 38B Qualifications of appointed appellate counsel.
- Rule 39 Duties of the clerk.
- Rule 40 Attorney's or party's signature; representation to the courts; sanctions and discipline.
Title VI Certification and Transfer Between Courts
- Rule 41 Certification of questions by law of United States courts.
- Rule 42 Transfer of case from Supreme Court to Court of Appeals.
- Rule 43 Certification by the Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court.
- Rule 44 Transfer of improperly pursued appeals.
Title VII Jurisdiction on Writ of Certiorari to Court of Appeals
- Rule 45 Review of judgments, orders, and decrees of court of appeals.
- Rule 46 Considerations governing review of certiorari.
- Rule 47 Transmission of record; joint and separate petitions; cross-petitions; parties.
- Rule 48 Time for petitioning.
- Rule 49 Petition for writ of certiorari.
- Rule 50 Response; reply.
- Rule 51 Disposition of petition for writ of certiorari.
Title VIII Appeals from Child Welfare Proceedings
- Rule 52 Child welfare appeals.
- Rule 53 Notice of appeal.
- Rule 54 Transcripts.
- Rule 55. Petition on appeal.
- Rule 56. Response to petition on appeal.
- Rule 57. Record on appeal; transmission of record.
- Rule 58. Ruling.
- Rule 59. Extensions of time.
- Rule 60. Judicial bypass appeals.
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